مراجع تفسير سفر الجامعة للقمص تادرس يعقوب
[1] Treatise 6.
[2] Epistle 43.
[3] Fr. T. Y. Malaty: Introduction to the Psalms, 1991, p..
[4] Nelson: A New Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture, 1969 , p.513.
[5] The Collegeville Bible Commentary, 1989, p.812.
[6] PL 23:104.
[7] Merrill F. Unger: Survey of the Bible , 1974, p.179.
[8] John Howard Raven: Old Testament Introduction, 1910, p. 305-306.
[9] Ibid, 306 -308.
[10] Unger, p. 179-180.
[11] Scripture Union: The Bible in Outline, 1989,107.
[12] cf. Interpreter’s Concise Commentary, The Book of Ecclesiastes, Harvey H. Guthrie, p.
[13] Scripture Union: The Bible in Outline, 1989, 107.
[14] City og God 20:3.
[15] See our book: St Matthew…
[16] Baker’sPictorial Introduction to the Bible, 1967, p.161.
[17] Cassian: Conf. 3:6.
[18] Commentary on the Song of Songs , hom.1.
[19] Isaac, or the Soul, 4:23.(Fathers of the Chutch).
[20] Edward p. Blair: The Illustrated Bible Handbook, 1975,p.155.
[21] A New Catholic…, p. 513.
[22] Nelson: New Catholic Commentary…, p.523.
[23] Ibid.
[24] Scripture Union: The Bible in Outline, 1989, 110.
[25] Scripture Union: The Bible in Outline, 1989, 110.
[26] Matthew Henry: Ecclesiastes,1.
[27] On Ps.4.
[28] Commentary on the Song of Songs, hom.4.
[29] Homilies on Matthew, 76:5.
[30] Flight from the World, 1:4 (Fathers of the Church).
[31] In Matt. hom. 77 (PG 58:700 B-D)
[32] Hom. on Timothy, hom. 15.
[33] Epistle 17.
[34] Epistle 21.
[35] Epistle 33.
[36] Mom. on Eph. 12.
[37] Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 11:11.
[38] On admonition amd Repentance, 7.
[39] The Commentary on Ecclesiastes, homily 1, PG 44:624 B-625 D).
[40] On Virginity, 4.
[41] The Commintary on Ecclesiastes, homily 1, PG 44:624 B-625 D).
[42] Death as a Good, 7:28 (Fathers of the Church).
[43] Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, 3:1.
[44] Commentary on Ecclesiastes
[45] Fr. T. Y. Malaty: The Early Fathers of the School of Alexandria, Alexandria, 1980, p.72ff. (in Arabic).
[46] Hom. in princ. prov. 6. PF 31:397 B [see The Pauline Bookstore, Beirut: St. Basil the Great (in Arabic).]
[47] Hom. 22, ad adolesc. 2 PG. 31:566-570.
[48] Durheim E., Education et Sociologie, P. U. F., Paris 1966, intr. p. 1 et 2.
[49] Epistle 43.
[50] Our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount, 1:1:3.
[51] On Ps. 39.
[52] On the Trinity, 4 Preface
[53] In Defense of his Flight to Pontus, 75.
[54] Hom. 3:3.
[55] Hom. on Ps. 48:1; Fr. Elias Kweter: St. Basil The Great, Pauline Bookstore, Beirut 1989, p. 312 (in Arabic).
[56] The Collegeville Bible Commentary, p. 816.
[57] Ascetic Homilies, 4.
[58] Ibid 74.
[59] In Exod. Hom. 13:9
[60] Fr. Yohanna El-Helou: Philosopher’s Meditation on the Spiritual life, p. 263-265 (in Arabic).
[61] Chapter 14.
[62] Ascetic homilies, 4.
[63] Ibid 15.
[64] Ibid 21.
[65] Ibid 62.
[66] Epistle 18.
[67] Epistle 48:14.
[68] Hom. on Matt. 83:3.
[69] A Metaphrase of the Book of Ecclesiastes.
[70] Fr. Elias Kweter: St. Basil The Great, Pauline Book store , Beirut 1989, p. 136, 137(in Arabic).
[71] Dialogue with Hiraclides, 160-2.
[72] The Prayer of Job. and David, 4:7:28.)Fathers of the Church).
[73] Ascetic Homilies 1:18.
[74] A Metaphrase of the Book of Ecclesiastes.
[75] Hom. 3:3; Fr. Elias, p. 315.
[76] City of God 17:20.
[77] Ascetic Hom. 1:5.
[78] Ibid 48.
[79] Hom. in illud Lucae. 5 PG 31:233.
[80] P.G. 31:1145 C.
[81] Fr. Elias Kweter, p. 301.
[82] The brief Canons, 207.
[83] The detailed Canons, Question 41.
[84] Comm. on Matt. 2:2:10.
[85] The Theological Orations , 1:5.
[86] On the Great Athanasius, 21.
[87] In Defense of his Flight to Pontus. 103.
[88] Defense of his Flight, 15.
[89] Cat. Lect. 20:4.
[90] Fr. Yohanna El-Helou: Philosopher’s Meditation on the Spiritual life, p. 36,37(in Arabic)
[91] Ibid 86, 87.
[92] Fr. Augustinius El-Baramousy: St. Ephram The Syrian, 1988, p. 124 (in Arabic).
[93] Fr. Augustinius El-Baramousy: Mar Isaac The Syrian, 1989, p. 106 (in Arabic).
[94] Letter 22:19.
[95] The Literal meaning of Genesis, 7, 12. (ACW)
[96] On Marriage and Concupiscence, 14.
[97] On the good of marriage, 15.
[98] The Commentary on Ecclesiastes, sermon 7, PG 44: 724B – 732D).
[99] Ibid.
[100] Ibid.
[101] Ascetic Hom. 15.
[102] Duties of the Clergy, 1:3:9.
[103] The Commentary on Ecclesiastes, sermon 7, PG 44:724 B – 732 D).
[104] Cassian, Conf., 21:13.
[105] Death as a Good, 2:4. (Fathers of the Church)
[106] Exhortation to Martyrdom. 22.
[107] A Metphrase of the Book of Ecclesiastes.
[108] Hom. 11; Fr. Elias Kweter: St. Basil The Great, Pauline Bookstore, Beirut 1989, p. 307-8 (in Arabic).
[109] The detailed Canons, Question 37.
[110] Cassian, Comf. 24:13
[111] Telmud: Tannith 23a.
[112] Letter 76:1.
[113] Epistle 7.
[114] Epistle 40.
[115] Fr. Elias Kweter: St. Basil The Great, Pauline Bookstore, Beirut 1989, p. 17 (in Arabic).
[116] PG 31:928 C.
[117] Ibid.
[118] On Virginity, 23.
[119] A Metaphrase of the Book of Ecclesiastes.
[120] Letter 82:11.
[121] Dialogue with Heraclides, 166.
[122] See our Comm. on Exodus, ch. 3 (in Arabic).
[123] Epistle 5.
[124] Epistle 14.
[125] Fr. Augustinius El-Baramousy: St. Ephram The Syrian, 1988, p. 195 (in Arabic).
[126] Ibid 160.
[127] Ibid 161.
[128] Against Eunomius, lib. 12, PG 45:940 A-941 D.
[129] Fr. Yohanna El-Helou: Philosopher’s Miditation on the Spiritual life , p. 198-9 (in Arabic).
[130] Cassian, Conf., 9:12.
[131] A Metaphrase of the Book of Ecclesiastes.
[132] Fr. Augustinius El-Baramousy: St. Yacob El-Serougi, p. 117-8 (in Arabic)
[133] Fr. Yohanna El-Hilou: Philosopher’s Miditation on the Spiritual life, p. 351(in Arabic).
[134] The Prayer of Job and David. 2:4:12. (Fathers of the Church).
[135] Ascetic Hom. 4.
[136] Fr. Augustinius El-Baramousy: St. Yacob El-Serouge, p. 116-7(in Arabic).
[137] Fr. Yohanna El-Helou: Philosopher’s Miditaton on the Spiritual life, p. 351 (in Arabic).
[138] A Metaphrase of the Book of Ecclesiastes.
[139] Fr. Augustinius El-Baramousy: St. Yacob El-Serougi, p. 117-8 (in Arabic).
[140] A Metaphrase of the Book of Ecclesiastes.
[141] Anba Mattaos: Biography. of the Spiritual Elder and a Set of His Sayings,1988, p.45.
[142] Letter 63:106.
[143] Flight from the World, 1:3 (Fathers of the Church).
[144] Hom. on 1 Tim., 14
[145] Ascetic Hom. 64,.
[146] Ibid 37.
[147] A Metaphrase of the Book of Ecclesiastes.
[148] Ascetic Hom. 42.
[149] Hom. 20.
[150] The institutes , 8:1.
[151] A Metaphrase of the Book of Ecclesiastes.
[152] Ibid.
[153] Letter 79:3.
[154] Conference 23:5.
[155] Against Jovinianus, 1:14
[156] Cassian: Conf. 21:14.
[157] On the Gospel of St. John, tr. 95:2.
[158] Epistle 18.
[159] Ascetic Hom. 64.
[160] Cassian: Conf. 21:5, 17, 18.
[161] The Theological Orations, 2:21.
[162] Ascetic Hom. 37.
[163] Letter 31:3.
[164] Against Jovinianus, 1:29
[165] Hom. in Ps. 1:6. PG 29:215D.
[166] Hom. in Martyr. Julittam 2 Pg 31:240; Fr. Elias Kweter, P. 106
[167] Against the Heathen, 7
[168] Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 11:2.
[169] Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 46:6.
[170] Cassian, Conf., 13:12
[171] Cat. Lect. 2:1.
[172] Cassian, Conf., 7:4.
[173] Ascetic Hom. 48.
[174] Ibid 61.
[175] Ibid 62.
[176] Ibid 63.
[177] Instructions to Catechumens 2:4.
[178] Commentary on Ecclesiastes.
[179] Letter 108:28.
[180] Ascetic Hom. 57.
[181] Catech. Lect. , 22:8.
[182] Letter 77:12.
[183] Letter 130:7.
[184] To Pammachius against John og Jerusalem, 33.
[185] Ascetic Hom. 59.
[186] In Gen. PG 53:67,77.
[187] In Nov. est. PG. 56:162.
[188] Anba Mattaos: Biography. of the Spiritual Elder asd a Set of His Sayings,1988, p.49.
[189] Ibid 53.
[190] Epistle 23.
[191] On the works of the Gospel, 13.
[192] Ascetic Hom. 5.
[193] Ibid 72.
[194] In Matt.; In Gen. PG 57: 30; 53:228.
[195] In Paralyt. Pg. 51:51.
[196] Ep. 223. Pg 32:824.
[197] On the Gospel of St. John, tr. 1:14.
[198] Ascetic Hom. 4.
[199] Letter 22:26.
[200] Letter 130:8.
[201] A Metaphrase of the Book of Ecclesiastes
[202] Cassian: Conference 2:11.
[203] Commentary on Ecclesiastes.
[204] Cassian: Conference 24:24.
[205] City of God 17:20.
[206] Ascetic Hom. 20.
[207] A Metaphrase of the Book of Ecclesiastes.
[208] The Ptayer of Job and David, 4:2:7 (Fathers of the Church).
[209] Pg 31:1220C-12221C.
[210] Letter 105:23.
[211] Jacob and the Happy Life, 11:2. (Fathers of the Church).
[212] The dialogue against the Luciferians.
[213] On Pentecost, 2.
[214] A Metaphrase of the Book of Ecclesiastes.
[215] Axcetic Hom. 6.
[216] Hom. 3.
[217] Hom. 5.
[218] Fr. Elias Kweter: St. Basil The Great, Pauline Bookstore, Beirut 1989, P. 134(in Arabic).
[219] Ascetic Hom. 15.
[220] Ibid 15.
[221] The Book of Grace 1:1.
[222] Anba Mattaos: Biography. of the Spiritual Elder and a Set of His Sayings, 1988, p.30.
[223] Ibid 43.
[224] Ibid 57.
[225] Hom. 4.
[226] Epistle 30.
[227] Fr. Elias Kweter: St. Basil The Great, Pauline Bookstore , Beirut 1989, p. 289 (in Arabic).
[228] Ascetic Hom. 62.
[229] On admonition and Repentance 15.
[230] Matthew Henry: Eccles., ch. 12.
[231] Ascetic Hom. 1:10.
[232] Ibid 1:1.
[233] Ibid 76
[234] Ibid 5.
[235] Ibid 47.
[236] Anba Mattaos: Biography. of the Spiritule Elder and a Set of His Sayings, 1988, p.55.
[237] Epistle 5.
[238] Hom. on the beginning of knowledge, 1.
[239] Ibid. 3.