مراجع تفسير رسالة كولوسي للقمص تادرس يعقوب


[1]John l. McKenzie: Dictionary of the Bible, 1972,p.145.

[2] Josephus: Antiq. 12: 147.

[3]The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, p.1333.

[4] Donald Guthrie: New Testament Introduction, 1975, p. 545.

[5]The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, p.1333.

[6] Richard Sturz: Studies in Colossians, the Pre-eminent Christ, Chicago, 1955, p. 13.

[7] Richard Sturz: Studies in Colossians, the Pre-eminent Christ, Chicago, 1955, p. 9.

[8]Henerietta C. Mears: What The Bible Is All About, 1987,P.453.

[9] In Colos. Homily 1.

[10]The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, p. 1333.

[11]R. McL. Wilson: The Gnostic Problem;

  1. H. Dodd: The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel, p. 97ff; Rudolf Bultmann:

“Gnosis.” Bible Keywords, II.)

[12]The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, p. 1333.

[13]The Author: school of Alexandria, N.J, 1994, P. 122-155.

[14]E.E. Elias: Paul’s use of the old Testament, p. 92.

[15]cf William S. Deal: Bakers Pictorial Introduction to the Bible, 1967,p.366.


[16]Cf. The Collegeville Bible Commentary, 1989, p.1180.

[17] G. Campbell Morgan: An Exposition of the whole Bible, 1959, p. 496.

[18] In Hebr. hom 10: 7.

[19] Hom. On Ephes. Hom 1

[20] Ep. to Ephess. 1:1:4.

[21] Comm. On 1Cor. 1:2 (1:15).

[22] Marius Victorinus: Ep. to Eph., 1.راجع سيرته في قاموس سير القدّيسين.

[23] Ep. to Ephess. 1:1:4, 18.

[24] Commentary on Colossians C f. Ancient Christian Commentary on Scriptures (ACCS).

[25] Ep. to Ephess. 1:1:4, 18.On his brother Satyrus, 2:124.

[26] Severian of Gabala: Pauline Commentary from the Creek Church.(ACCS)

[27] Interpretation of the letter to the Colossians.(ACCS)

[28] Homilies, 43.(ACCS)

[29] Maximus of Turin; Sermon 96:1.(ACCS)

[30] ACCS.

[31] ACCS.

[32] Letters, 199:12-51.

[33] Against Marcion, 5:19.

[34] Letters, 185: 1-5.

[35] Sermons, 214:11.

[36] راجع الدكتور يوسف سلامة: كولوسي.

[37] Marius Victorianus, On.Ephes. 1:3:14

[38] ACCS.

[39] Of the Holy Spirit, 1:7:89.

[40] Letters, 177:1-5.

[41] cf. City of God 15:6.

[42] Hom on 2 Tim, 4.

[43] Comm. On John 6:32.

[44] Letters, 217:1:3.

[45] Exhortation to Martyrdom, 18.

[46] Explanatory notes for the Ep. To Colossians, hom. 2. PG 62: 337.

[47] Homilies on Song of Songs, 14.  ترجمة الدكتور جورج نوّار

[48] On the Psalms, 77:30.

[49] St. Augustine: Tractates on John, 55:1.

[50] Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 59 :1.

[51] Commentary on Rom. 3:24.

[52] On Perfection.

[53] Hom. On Corinth., 5:4.

[54] Ep. To Ephes. 1 (1:7).

[55] Three Different Questions, 74.

[56] De principiis, 1:2:6.

[57] Orations, 30:20.

[58] On The Trinity, 8:49.

[59] Letters, 20.

[60] Discourses Against  Arians, 2:21 (63).

[61] Adv. Haer. 22:1.

[62] Of the Christian Faith, 4:100.

[63] On the Trinity, 5:4.

[64] مقالات لطالبي العماد 11: 24.

[65] St. Athanasius: Discourses Against Arians, Book 2,:18:31.ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة

[66] Letters, 20.

[67] الرسالة السادسة.

[68] St. Athanasius: Discourses Against Arians, Book 2.، ص 79  ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة

[69] Dionysius the Areopagite Celestial Hierarchy,  6.

[70] ركن 5، الباب 2، فصل 1، مقصد 1،2.

[71] Adv. Arian. 1:4:12.ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة

[72] Adv. Arian. 2:21:62.ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة

[73] Adv. Arian. 2:21:71.ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة

[74] ACCS.

[75] ACCS.

[76] Commentary on the Psalms, 66:1.

[77] Letters, 55:2-3.

[78] Demonstrations by Syllogisms, Proof that the Divinity of the Savior is impassible.

[79] On Perfection.

[80] Homilies on Song of Songs, 13.ترجمة الدكتور جورج نوّار

[81] Rufinius of Aquileia: Apology for Origen, 1:6-7.

[82] Homilies, 27:4. ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة

[83] Comm. on The Gospel of Saint Luke, Sermon 1ترجمة: دكتور نصحي عبد الشهيد

[84] مقالات لطالبي العماد 13: 23.

[85]  راجع للمؤلف: الاصطلاحان طبيعة وأقنوم في الكنيسة الأولى، 1987؛ طبيعة المسيح حسب مفهوم الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية غير الخلقدونية.

[86] ACCS.

[87] Of the Christian Faith, 2:9:82.

[88] Homilies on Leviticus, 9:4.

[89] Commentary on Tatian’s Diatessaron, 14.

[90] Homilies. 16:10.

[91] مقالات لطالبي العماد 13: 33.

[92] St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 4

[93] Commentary on the Letter to the Colossians.

[94] St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 4

[95] Letter to Pamachius against John of Jerusalem, 27.

[96] St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 4

[97] St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 4

[98] St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 4.

[99] Sermon on N.T. lessons, 12:5.

[100] St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 4.

[101] St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 5.

[102] St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 5.

[103] St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 5.

[104] St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 5.

[105] St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 5.

[106] St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 5.

[107] Letters, 1:5.

[108] In Colos hom. 5

[109] In Colos, hom, 5

[110] In Colos, home. 5

[111] Sromata, 5: 12

[112] On Ps. 12.

[113] On Ps. 50.

[114] On Ps. 119.

[115] Cassian: Conferences, 14:16.

[116] On the Trinity, 9:67.

[117] Of the Christian Faith, 42:1 (2).

[118] Letters, 41:25.

[119] الإنجيل بحسب متى، 1982، ص 503.

[120] Stromata 1:11.

[121] Sermon on the Mount, 25.

[122] Homilies on Colossians, homily 5.

[123] مقالات لطالبي العماد 14: 30.

[124] Homilies on Colossians, homily, 6.

[125] Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 1:5.

[126] Homilies on Colossians, homily 6.

[127] Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 1:5.

[128] Sermons on Song of Songs, 13.

[129] Homilies on Colossians, homily 6.

[130] Stromata 1 :11..

[131] On the Trinity, 8:53.

[132] On the Trinity, 1:13.

[133] Stromata 1:11.

[134] Stromata, 6:8.

[135] Stromata, 6:8.

[136] Stromata, 6:15.

[137] Concerning Virgins, 3:1 (3).

[138] PG 75:1400.

[139] Letters, 17:9.

[140] Homilies, 1:2. ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة

[141] On the Trinity, 9:1-2.

[142] On the Trinity, 2:8.

[143] On the Trinity, 9:8.

[144] On our Lord, 11.

[145] Homilies on Colossians, homily 6.

[146] Comm. on Luke, Sermon 2.

[147] الأب سليم دكاش اليسوعي: الشيخ الروحاني- مجموعة الرسائل الروحية، بيروت 1992، ص83.

[148] Homilies on Colossians, homily 6.

[149] Homilies on Colossians, homily 6.

[150] On the Trinity, 1:9.

[151] Letters, 69:7.

[152] مقالات لطالبي العماد 5: 6.

[153] Isaac or the Soul, 6:53.

[154] Death is Good, 4:15.

[155] Escape from the World, 9:55.

[156] Homilies, 1:7. ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة

[157] On the Trinity, 10: 48.

[158] Letters, 41:8.

[159] On Joseph, 4:19

[160] Hymns on Nativity, 4.

[161] Sermons On John, Book 2, 17.

[162] Sermons On John, Book 6, 10.

[163] Hom. On 1 John, 1:5.

[164] Demonstrations 4 on Monks, 6.

[165] Against Heresies, 5:17:2.

[166] On Ps., 89.

[167] Fragments on his Lost Works, 37.

[168] Hom. On John, 12:19.

[169] Homilies on 1 Cor., homily 24:7.

[170] De. Incarn. 45

[171] Homilies on Colossians, homily 6.

[172] Hom. on Matt., 12:18.

[173] On Resurrection, 2:108.

[174] Homilies on Colossians, homily 7.

[175] Fragments on his Lost Works, 38.

[176] Homilies on New Testament Lessons, 86:3.

[177] Homilies on Colossians, homily 7.

[178] Homilies, 32:4. ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة

[179] Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 86:3.

[180]F.C. Bruce: The Epistle of Colossians, 1988, p. 119.

[181] On Repentance, 1:6.

[182] On Ps. 11.

[183] Death is Good, 3:10

[184] Homilies on Colossians, homily 7.

[185] Stromata 3:51.1-3.

[186] Commentary on John, 32:57-59.

[187] Homilies on Colas, hom. 7.

[188] Interpretation to Colossians 2:23.

[189] On Virginity, 77:2.

[190] Demonstrations 6 on Monks, 1.

[191] Escape from the World 7:44.

[192] Homilies on Col., Hom. 7.

[193] City of God, 20:10.

[194] On Ps. 71.

[195] On Ps. 97.

[196] City of God, 20:9.

[197]Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 3 :14.

[198] Hexmarion, Hom. 9:2.

[199] Homilies on Song of Songs, 9.  ترجمة الدكتور جورج نوّار

[200] الأب سليم دكاش اليسوعي: الشيخ الروحاني- مجموعة الرسائل الروحية، بيروت 1992، رسالة 49: 9.

[201] On Ps. 104.

[202] On Creation of Man, 5.

[203] Homilies on Col., Hom. 7.

[204] On Christian Faith 2:12 (103).

[205] Homilies on Col., Hom. 7.

[206] الرسالة 43 عن التوبة ومواساة الخطاة، 24.

[207] On Ps. 124.

[208] Death is Good, 12:56.

[209] On Ps. 123.

[210] On Ps. 37.

[211] Duties of Clergies, 3:5 (36).

[212] Homilies on 2 Cor., Hom. 5:15.

[213] Sermons on John, 4:7.

[214] Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 66 :2.

[215] Homilies on 1 Cor., Hom. 7:20.

[216] Letters, 53:2.

[217] 10 Homilies on Epistles of John, 9:2.

[218] Comm. on Luke, Sermon 118.

[219] Sermons on John, 1:16.

[220] Sermons on John, 11:7, 17

[221] Homilies on Col., Hom. 8.

[222] Homilies on Song of Songs, 6.  ترجمة الدكتور جورج نوّار

[223] تأملات في مديحه للقديس غريغوريوس النزيانزي (ترجمة القمص إشعياء ميخائيل).

[224] Letters, 22:17.

[225] Adv. Haer. 5:12;3.

[226] Letters, 14:5.

[227] الدساتير، كتاب 7، فصل 21.

[228] الدساتير، كتاب 7،  فصل 22.

[229] الدساتير، كتاب 7،  فصل 27.

[230] On Ps. 62.

[231] De institutis caenoborum, Book 8:1.

[232] De institutis caenoborum, Book 8:2.

[233] De institutis caenoborum, Book 8:4.

[234] Adv. Haer. 3:5:1.

[235] Introductory Commentary on 1 John.

[236] في سفر النشيد (3:5) يشير النص إلى الانتظار إلى عدم القيام من السرير للسير مع الرب، لكن القديس يستخدمه هنا بمعنى مُغاير.

[237] مقالات لطالبي العماد 3 :7.

[238] Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 14 :3.

[239] Homilies, 2:2ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة

[240] Against Eunomius, 4:3.

[241] In Creation of Man, 33.

[242] Against Jovinianus 1:16.

[243] On Trinity 11:49.

[244] Against Eunomius, 2:1.

[245] مقالات لطالبي العماد 1 :2.

[246] On Ps. 6.

[247] Sermons on John, 9:14.

[248] الوجودي هو الذي يتبع المذهب القائل بأن الله والوجود أو الإنسان والطبيعة كيان واحد.

[249] Letters, 63:36.

[250] On Virgins 3:5 (24).

[251] Homilies on Col., Hom. 8.

[252] Homilies on Col., Hom. 8.

[253]Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 33:3.

[254] Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 64:3.

[255] Letters, 82:11.

[256] Homilies on Col., Hom. 8.

[257] Ladder, 26:67.

[258] Homilies on Col., Hom. 8.

[259] Homilies on Col., Hom. 8.

[260] Homilies on Col., Hom. 8.

[261] Isaac or the Soul, 8:70.

[262] Paedagogus, 2:4.

[263] Homilies on Col., Hom. 9.

[264] Homilies on Col., Hom. 9.

[265] Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.

[266] Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.

[267] Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.

[268] Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.

[269] Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.

[270] Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.

[271] Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.

[272] Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.

[273] Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.

[274] Stromata, 5:10.

[275] Letters, 109:3.

[276] Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.

[277] Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.

[278] Letters, 125:1.

[279] Letters, 125:1.

[280] Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.

[281] Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.

[282] Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.

[283] Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.

[284] Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.

[285] Homilies on Col., Hom. 11.

[286] Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.

[287] Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.

[288] Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.

[289] Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.

[290] Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.

[291] Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.


رسالة كولوسي : 1234

تفسير رسالة كولوسي : مقدمة1234

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