مراجع تفسير صموئيل الثاني للقمص تادرس يعقوب
[1] In 2 Thes. Pg. 62: 498.
[2] St. Cassian: Conf. 17: 15.
[3] The Sayings of Desert Fathers, Anba Anoub
[4] Duties of the Clergy 3: 9 (61).
[5] Cf. Nelson: A New Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture, 1969. p 318.
[6] راجع تعليقات على هذه المرثاة في كتاب “السنن القويم في تفسير أسفار العهد القديم”: صموئيل الثاني.[7] The Jerome Biblical Commentary, p 174
[8] In 2 Tim. hom. 7.
[9] Ibid
[10] Eccl. Hist. 1: 3.
[11] In 2 Cor. hom.3.
[12] On Sacraments 4: 1.
[13] St Jerome: Dialogue against Luciferians.
[14] New Westmister Dict. of the Bible, p. 580.
[15] Ibid, p. 329.
[16] Ibid, p. 66.
[17] ِEp. 55 (Oxford ed. Ep. 28).
[18] On Ps. hom. 55
[19] On Heb. hom. 23:9.
[20] On Acts. hom. 3
[21] New Westminster Dict. of the Bible, p. 89.
[22] J.L. Mckenzie: Dict. of the Bible, P. 77.
[23] Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, art. 1195
[24] Ibid, art. 7394.
[25] Ibid, art. 7416.
[26] Westminster Dictionary of the Bible, p. 99.
[27] The New Westminster Dict. of the Bible, p. 449
[28] Ibid.
[29] Antiq. 5: 2: 2.
[30] On Ps. 27.
[31] On Ps. 16.
[32] On Ps. hom. 16.
[33] The New Westminster Dict. of the Bible, p. 319.
[34] Ibid, p. 541-2.
[35] كتاب السنن القويم في تفسير العهد القديم- صموئيل الثاني 6.[36] On Acts. hom. 12.
[37] Duties of the Clergy 1: 43: 23.
[38] On Ps. 30 (29).
[39] Ibid.
[40] راجع: من تفسير وتأملات الآباء الأولين: هوشع (الأصحاح الأول).[41] On Exod. hom. 13.
[42] Ibid hom. 9.
[43] City of God 17:8.
[44] Lactantius: The Divine Institutes 4:13.
[45] City of God: 17:9.
[46] The Westminster Dict. of the Bible, p. 57.
[47] Ibid, p. 105.
[48] قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص ٢٠٧.[49] On Ps. 60.
[50] The Westminster Dict. of the Bible, p. 1023.
[51] Joseph Antiq. 7: 5: 5.
[52] The Westminster Dict. of the Bible, p. 788.
[53] Ibid p. 111.
[54] Ibid p. 574.
[55] Ibid p. 954.
[56] The Ascetical homilies, hom. 22.
[57] hom . 37.
[58] hom . 48.
[59] hom . 62.
[60] On Ps. 50 (51).
[61] Constit. Of The Holy Apostles 7: 1.
[62] The Ascetical homilies, hom. 48.
[63] On Matt. hom. 75.
[64] Iren. Ad Haer. 4: 27: 1.
[65] hom. 32.
[66] On Ps. 51 (50)
[67] In 2 Cor. hom. 4.
[68] Institute 12: 11.
[69] Ad Marcion 2: 17.
[70] hom. 48.
[71] On Matt.
[72] On Colos. hom. 8.
[73] hom. 48.
[74] hom. 64.
[75] St. Augustine: On Ps. 127.
[76] راجع كتابنا: الحب، مفهومه ودرجاته (الحب والشهوة).[77] McKenzie: Dict. of the Bible, p. 26.
[78] Unger’s Bible Dictionary, Chicago 1966, p. 45.
[79] The Westminster Dict. of the Bible, p. 83.
[80] Origen’s Commentary on John. 33.
[81] hom. 64.
[82] The Ascetical Homilies of St. Isaac the Syrian, 1984, p. 395
[83] Paed. 3:1.
[84] Ibid.
[85] Ibid .3:2
[86] hom. 5.
[87] On Humility.
[88] On Ephes., hom. 15.
[89] Unger’s Bible Dictionary, p. 407.
[90] On Ps. 3.
[91] hom. 48.
[92] On Grace & Free-will ch. 41.
[93] Ibid .
[94] Institutes 8: 8.
[95] In Matt. hom. 3.
[96] Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, art. 302.
[97] من تفسير وتأملات الآباء الأولين: الانجيل بحسب مرقص، ص ٢٥١.[98] On Ps. 12.
[99] Strong …, art. 2365.
[100] راجع أقوال الآباء في هذا الشأن في كتابنا: “الحب الجامع أو دور الشعب كنسياً”.[101] Strong, art 6659.
[102] Ibid .art 54.
[103] Ibid .art 3129
[104] Ibid .art 290.
[105] Ibid .art 5883.
[106] راجع كتابنا: دعوني أنمو، 1988، باب 3، 6.[107] Strong, art. 980.
[108] Ibid .hom. 48.
[109] Strong, art. 6021.
[110] Ibid .art 7629.
[111] Ibid .art 4353.
[112] Ibid .art 5988.
[113] Ibid .art 1271.
[114] Conc. Virgins 2:29.
[115] adv. Jovinianus 2:3.
[116] On Ps. 22.
[117] الحب الإلهي، ص ٤٦٧، ٤٦٨. [118] الحب الإلهي، ص ٤٦٩ . [119] الحب الإلهي، ص ٤٦٩ [120] الحب الرعوي، ص ١٤٧.[121] The Westminster Dict. of the Bible, p. 860.
[122] قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص ١[123] The Westminster Dict. of the Bible, p. 3.
[124] In Jerome Biblical Commentary, p. 178.
[125] The Westminster Dict. of the Bible, p. 1020.
[126] In 2 Thess. hom. 4.
[127] On Ps. 90 (91).
[128] On Ps. 18.
[129] Ibid.
[130] Ibid.
[131] Ibid.
[132] Ep. ad. serap. 1: 14.
[133] hom. 1: 1.
[134] hom. 1: 10.
[135] hom. 1: 21.
[136] hom. 46.
[137] Ibid.
[138] On Ps. hom. 27.
[139] On Rom. hom. 29.
[140] On 1Cor. hom. 25.
[141] On 2Cor. hom. 11