مراجع تفسير سفر دانيال للقمص تادرس يعقوب

[1] Cf. G. Coleman Luck: Daniel, 1958, p.7.

[2] See Bethany Parallel commentary on the Old Testament, 1985, p. 1764.

[3] Cf. Baker’s Pictorial Introduction to the Bible, 1967, p. 196.

[4] Adv. Haer. 4:20:11.

[5] PL 25:61.

[6] Boyd’s Bible Handbook, p. 397.

[7] القس عبد المسيح بسيط أبو الخير: اعجاز الوحي والنبواة في سفر دانيال، ص 69.

[8] The Long Rules: Preface.

[9] ANRrs., vol. 5, p. 177.

[10] Boyd’s Bible Handbook, p. 307.

[11] الأنبا ديسقورس الأسقف العام: بحث في تفسير المعادلات الزمنية التي في سفر دانيال؛ القمص بيشوي كامل: دانيال صيق الملائكة، إبريل 1879..

[12] Boyd’s Bible Handbook, p. 311-2..

[13] منشورات النفير: تفسير الكتاب المقدس، ج 4، ص 337.

[14] John Calvin: A Commentary on Daniel (Banner of Truth Trust), Oxford 1985, p. 40.

[15] Ibid, p. 42.

[16] Hieraphant, N.Y 1844, p. 109.

[17] Cf. J.E.H. Thomson, “Daniel” in Pulpit Commentary, p xliii; Robert H. Pfeiffer: Introduction to the Old Testament, p. 755

[18] Angelo Di Berardino: Encyclopedia of the Early Church, Oxford 1992, vol. 2, p.704.

[19] De vir illus. 81, Ep. 70

[20] H.E. 3:23

[21] H.E. 8:14

[22] Gleanson L. Archer: Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, 1982, p. 282.

[23] PG 25:619-620.

[24] J.H. Raven: O.T. Introduction, p. 319.

[25] Coleman Luck: Daniel, Moody Press, 1958, p. 9ff.

[26] القس عبد المسيح بسيط أبو الخير: اعجاز الوحي والنبواة في سفر دانيال.

Harrison: Introduction to the Old Testament, p. 1162.

[27] W.A. Criswell: Expository Sermons on the Book of Daniel, vol.1, p. 31.

[28] Cf. Robert Dick Wilson: Book of Daniel 1SBE, 2, p.785.

[29] Gleanson L. Archer: Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, 1982, p. 282.

[30] دائرة المعارف الكتابية: بند دانيال.

[31] Cf. Dr. Kitto: Encyclopedia of Biblical Literature; p. 620.

[32] cf. Harrison: Introduction to the Old Testament, p. 1124-26

[33] Gleanson L. Archer: Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, 1982, p. 284.

[34]  القس عبد المسيح بسيط أبو الخير: اعجاز الوحي والتنبوة في سفر دانيال، 1995، ص 29.

[35] Boyd’s Bible Handbook, Oregon 1983, p. 307.

[36]  القس عبد المسيح البسيط أبو الخير: إعجاز الوحي والنبوة في سفر دانيال، ص 46 الخ.

[37] J.F. Walvoord: Daniel, The Key to prophetic Revelation, p. 20-21.

[38] Against Apion 1:8.

[39] القس عبد المسيح البسيط أبو الخير، ص 34،35.

[40] R.K. Harrison: Introduction to the Old Testament, p 1107.

[41] Ibid 1118.

[42] Antiquities 7:11:8.

[43] Gleanson L. Archer: Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, 1982, p. 284.

[44] Raven: O.T. Introduction, p. 319-320.

[45] New Westminster Dictionary of the Bible, p. 655

[46] Josephus: Contra Apionem 1:19; Antiq. 10:11:1.

[47] PL 25:623.

[48] PL 25:623-4

[49] W.A. Criswell: Expository Sermons on The Book of Daniel, vol. 1.

[50] PL 25:625B

[51] Scholia on Daniel 1:8.

[52] PL 25:625A.

[53] Scholia on Daniel 1:12.

[54] PL 25:625C.

[55] PL 25:625C

[56] PL 25:625C.

[57] منشورات النفير: تفسير الكتاب المقدَّس، جـ 4، ص 329.

[58] G. Goleman Luck: Daniel, P. 26.

[59] Antiquites., book 10.

[60] PL. 25:627.

[61] PL. 25:627E-628

[62] Cf. A Treatise on the Soul, 4-7

[63] PL 25: 628D.

[64] PL 25: 628D.

[65] The Literal Meaning of Genesis, Book 12, ch. 9.

[66] Stromata 1: 4.

[67] Ibid.

[68] Ibid 1: 5.

[69] Scholia on Daniel 2: 3.

[70] Scholia on Daniel 2: 10.

[71] The Pulpit Commentary, Daniel, p.70.

[72] W. A. Criswell, vol. 2, p. 62.

[73] W. A. Criswell, vol. 2, p. 63.

[74] G. H. Lange: The Histories and Prophecies of Daniel, p.76.

[75] Chr. Wordworth: Holy Bible with notes and introduction, p. 8.

[76] Adv. Haer. 5:26:1

[77] AN Frs. Vol. s, P. 178.

[78] Ibid. 179.

[79] Adv. Haer. 3: 21: 7.

[80] Sermon 169:6.

[81] In Exod. hom. 6:12.

[82] On the Baptism of Christ.

[83] Scholia on Daniel 2:49.

[84] l Cor. 45:4-7.

[85] On Idolatry, 15.

[86] On Ps. hom. 55

[87] Institutes, Book 5:14

[88] On Prayer, 16:3.

[89] On Prayer, 16:3.

[90] Exhortation to Martyrdom 33.

[91] On Prayer, 29

[92] Scholia on Daniel, 3:16.

[93] Scholia on Daniel, 3:39.

[94] Scholia on Daniel, 3:79.

[95] Epistle, 80:3.

[96] Epistle, 80:3

[97] Epistle, 55:5.

[98] Treatise, 11:11.

[99] On Renunciation of the World.

[100] The Long Rules, Q.16.

[101] Sermons for Christmas 1:13.

[102] On Detatchment.

[103] Second Discourse on Ps 33 (34).

[104] Third Discourse on Ps 36 (37).

[105] PL 25:644 B.

[106] Ibid.

[107] cf. the New Bible Commentary, Eerdmans, 1971, p.693.

[108] The New Bible Commentary, p. 693.

[109] PL 25:646.

[110] PL 25:647C.

[111] Ibid.

[112] Sermon 31:3.

[113] PL 25:649.

[114] PL 25:649A.

[115] The Bethany Parallel Commentary on the O.T., p. 1779.

[116] PL 25:650.

[117] Ibid.

[118] منشورات النفير: تفسير الكتاب المقدس، جـ 4، ص335.

[119] On Patience 13.

[120] منشورات النفير: تفسير الكتاب المقدس 1988، جـ 4، ص325.

[121] Contra Apionem 1:20.

[122] PL 25:652.

[123] Bethany Parallel Commentary on the O.T., p. 1780.

[124] Institutes, Preface.

[125] G. L. Archer: Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, p.286.

[126] Today’s Dictionary of the Bible; Bethany Parallel Commentary on O.T., p. 1780.

[127]  قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 208.

[128] W.A. Griswell, p.38-40.

[129] PL 25:652.

[130] PL 25:652A, 653.

[131] PL 25:653

[132] The Literal Meaning of Genesis, Book 12, ch. 11.

[133]  منشورات النفير: تفسير الكتاب المقدس، ص4، ص337.

[134] PL 25:653B.

[135] PL 25:657.

[136] PL 25:653-5.

[137] PL 25:655.

[138] St. Jerome: Comm. on Daniel, PL 25:651D.

[139] القس عبد المسيح بسيط أو الخير، ص63،64.

[140]   PL 25:651D.

[141] دار منهل الحياة: موسوعة الكتاب المقدس، ص147.

[142] Cyrop. 1:5;8:7.

[143] Cyrop. 8:5,19

[144] A New Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture, Nelson 1959, p. 661.

[145]  منشورات النفير: تفسير الكتاب المقدَّس، جـ 4، ص 338.

[146] PL 25:658B.

[147] E. Schurer: A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ, 2, I p. 290, n. 248.

[148] PL 25:659.

[149] PL 25:660A.

[150] PL 25:660A.

[151] PL 25:660A.

[152] PL 25:660A.

[153] PL 25:660A..

[154] PL 25:660A..

[155] PL 25:660A..

[156] On Prayer, ch 13:4.

[157] On Prayer, ch 16:3.

[158] The Literal Meaning of Genesis, Book 15:24.

[159] PL 25:662.

[160] R. K. Harrison: Introduction to the Old Testament, Eerdmans 1988, p. 1127.

[161] Cf. R. K. Harrison: Introduction to the Old Testament, Eerdmans 1988, p. 1126ff.

[162] Cf. J.G. Eichhorn: Einleitung in das (Altes Testament), 1823 ed, IV, p. 483 ff; S. Davidson: Introduction to the Old Testament, 1862, III, p. 207; R. H. Charles: A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Daniel, p. 167 ff.

[163] J.C. Whitcomb: Darius the Mede, p.68 ff.

[164] H. H. Rowley: Darius the Mede and the Four World Empires in the Book of Daniel, p.58.

[165] D. J. Wiseman. Christianity Today, II, no 4 (1957), p.10.

[166] See Clarence Larkin: The Book of Revelation, 1919, p. 111.

[167] PL 25:663A, B; 664

[168] PL 25:664.

[169] PL 25:664.

[170] PL 25:664

[171] AN Frs., vol. 5. p. 178, 209.

[172] PL 25:664C.

[173] Clarence Larkin: The Book of Revelatien, 1919, p. 109.

[174] PL 25:665.

[175] Ibid 109.

[176] AN Frs., vol. 5. p. 178-9.

[177] Clarence Larkin, p. 110.

[178] PL 25:666.

[179] PL 25:666.

[180] PL 25:666.

[181] PL 25:666.

[182] AN Frs., vol. 5. p. 178.

[183] منشورات النفير: دراسات في الكتاب المقدَّس، ج4، ص 344.

[184] PL 25:667A-668.

[185] PL 25:670-671.

[186] PL 25:671.

[187] John Calvin: A Commentary on Daniel, 1986, vol. 2, Oxford, p. 26.

[188] Ibid 27.

[189] Paed. 3:3.

[190] On Ps. hom.. 26.

[191] PL 25:669D.

[192] In Gen. hom. 13:4.

[193] Comm. on John, book 5,7.

[194] On On Ps. hom. 14.

[195] PL 25:669D.

[196] Cf. An Answer to the Jews, 14.

[197] Adv. Haer. 3:19:3.

[198] Treatise on Christ and Antichrist, 26.

[199] 1Cor. 34:7,5.

[200] On Virginity, ch. 24.

[201] Paed. 2:11.

[202] PL 25:671,671A.

[203] PL 25:671.

[204] AN Frs., vol. 5, p. 179.

[205] Cf.  AN Frs., vol. 5, p. 179.

[206] القس عبد المسيح بسيط، ص 116.

[207] Cf.  AN Frs., vol. 5, p. 180.

[208] Cf. AN Frs., vol. 5., p. 180.

[209] PL 25:674.

[210] PL 25:674.

[211] PL 25:675C.

[212] المتنيح القس منسى يوحنا: كتاب حل مشاكل الكتاب المقدس 1982، ص112 الخ.

[213] PL 25:677F.

[214] Boyd’s Bible Handbook, p. 309.

[215] Boyd’s Bible Hand book, p.309.

[216] PL 25:677F.

[217] القس عبد المسيح بسيط أبو الخير: إعجاز الوحي والنبوة في سفر دانيال، ص 62.

[218] PL 25:678.

[219] PL 25:678.

[220] PL 25:678-679.

[221] PL 25:679.

[222] PL 25:679.

[223] PL 25:679 A,B.

[224] PL 25:680.

[225] PL 25:680.

[226] PL 25:680A.

[227] PL 25:680A.

[228] De Incarnatione Verbi Dei, 40:2.

[229] De Incarnatione Verbi Dei, 40:1-4.

[230] Bethany Parallel Commentary on the O.T., p.1798; The Treasury of the Old Testament.

[231] De Incarnatione Verbi Dei, 39:1-3.

[232] Bethany, p. 1764.

[233] دانيال صديق الملائكة، ص 67.

[234] J. Barton Payne: Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy, p.383.

[235] Gleson L. Archer: Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, p. 290.

[236] Cf.  A N Frs, vol. 6, p.134-35.

[237] Bethany parallel Commentary on the O.T., p.1799.

[238] Cf.  A N Frs, vol. 5, p.180 -1.

[239] Clarence Larkin: The Book of Revelation, 1919, p. 52.

[240] Cf.  A N Frs, vol. 5, p.185.

[241] PL 25:684 – 686B.

[242] PL 25:691 – 694.

[243] PL 25, 694 – 695.

[244] A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Daniel, p. 392.

[245] Bethany Parallel Commentary on O.T., p. 1802.

[246] On Renunciation of the World

[247] The long Rules, Q. 16.

[248] PL 25:696F.

[249] Bethany Parallel Commentary on O.T., p. 1802.

[250] AN Frs., vol. 5, p. 182.

[251] PL 25: 697G.

[252] PL 25: 697G.

[253] Cassian: conf. 9: 34.

[254] PL 25: 699.

[255] PL 25: 700A, B.

[256] PL 25: 700B.

[257] PL 25: 700B.

[258] C. Larkine: The Book of Revelation, p. 113.

[259] St. Justin: Apol. 1: 10.

[260] PL 25: 701.

[261] PL 25: 703.

[262] PL 25: 703.

[263] PL 25: 706.

[264]  PL 25: 707.

[265] PL 25: 717.

[266] PL 25: 716.

[267] AN Frs., vol. 5, p. 183.

[268] PL 25: 719B.

[269] PL 25: 721.

[270] PL 25: 723.

[271] Scholia on Daniel, 12: 11.

[272] PL 25: 725

[273] Sermon 7: 4.

[274] On Ps. hom. 56.

[275] Adv. Haer. 4: 26: 1.

[276] AN Frs., vol. 5, p. 180-1.

[277] PL 25: 726 – 727.

[278] PL 25: 729.

[279] PL 25: 728 A-B.

[280] PL 25: 729.

[281] PL 25: 730.

[282] PL 25: 730 B.

[283] John Calvin: A Commentary on Daniel, Oxford 1986,. p. 392.

[284] عن الثالوث 75:9، ترجمة الدكتور إميل ماهر اسحق.

[285] الدكتور إميل ماهر إسحق: موعد المجيء الثاني، 1966، ص18.

[286] Adv. Haer 5:33-35.

[287] Instr. 2:35:8ff.

[288] PL 5:303.

[289] Inst 7:24.

[290] للمؤلف الآباء الرسوليين، 1995، ص 210 [ديداكية 4:16-7].

[291] Ep. to Philippians, 7:1.

[292] Dial. cum. Trypho, 110.

[293] Adv. Haer. 5:25:1.

[294] In 2 Thess. hom.3.

[295] للمؤلف: رسالة بولس الرسول الثانية إلى أهل تسالونيكي الاصحاح الثاني.

[296] De. Resurr. 24.

[297] Exhort. ad Martyr.

[298] De Fuga 12; cf De An. 50; De Resur. 25.

[299] J. Wendland: Miracles and Chrlstianianity. 1911, p 53f.

[300] See Gomm. on John 2:4.

[301] Brain E. Daley: The Hope of the Early Church, A Handbook of Patristic Eschatolology, Cambridge, 1990, p. 38ff.

[302] De Christo et Antichristo, 6:49.

[303] Ibid 30-36.

[304] Ibid 49-63.

[305] Ibid 64f; 44f.

[306] Ibid 64.

[307] Ibid 65.

[308] Ad Anti Christo, 14.

[309] Adv. Haer 5:30:2.

[310] Carmen 825-36; Instructions 1:41:50.

[311] Carmen 837-41; 891-926.

[312] Instructions 1:41:13-20.

[313] Epist. Pasch. 10:7.

[314] Depositio Arii 1.

[315] Ibid 5.

[316] الديداكية 4:16.

[317] St. Cyril of Jerusalem: Lect. Cath. 15:9.

[318] St. Cyril of Jerusalem: Lect. Cath. 15:9.

[319] St. Cyril of Jerusalem: Lect. Cath. 15:11.

[320] St. Cyril of Jerusalem: Lect. Cath. 15:12.

[321] St. Cyril of Jerusalem: Lect. Cath. 15:13.

[322] St. Cyril of Jerusalem: Lect. Cath. 15:14.

[323] St. Cyril of Jerusalem: Lect. Cath. 15:15.

[324] Institutiones, 16.

[325] Ibid

[326] Ibid 17.

[327] Ibid 19.

[328] Ibid 17.

[329] Ibid 17-19.

[330] Ibid 20.

[331] Ibid 21

[332] Ibid.

[333] Ibid .

[334] Ibid 24.

[335] Beatus 2:6:82; Sanders 243.

[336] Beatus 6:3:38; Sanders 478.

[337] Beatus 6:3:38; Sanders 478f

[338] Lib. Reg.1; Burkitt 4:21-23.

[339] Beatus 5:6:6; Sanders 423.

[340] Beatus: Praef: 4:12; Sanders 8.

[341] Beatus 5:10:36ff; Sanders 443.

[342] Beatus 7:2:21; Sanders 522.

[343] Beatus 7:2:15; Sanders 522.

[344] In 2 Thess. hom 4.

[345] 33, In 2 Thess hom. 3.

[346] 34.2 Thess. hom.3.

[347] 37. of the Holy Spirit 3:7.

[348] In Joan. hany 29:8.

[349] On Ps. 107:33.

[350] Enarr in Ps. 37:9-12; conf. 12:10:10; 12:11:13; Epistle 55:17f.

[351] On Dan. 11:35

[352] Comm. on Daniel 2:7:7f; 2:7:11; 4:11:21.

[353] Dial. 2:14:4

[354] Hom. 4:4.

[355] Hom.15;52.

[356] Hom. 34.

[357] Hom. 52.

[358] Hom. 18.

[359] Hoskier 217:19-24.

[360] Hoskier 219:1-15.

[361] Hoskier 219: 13-19; 220:19-27.

[362] Hoskier 225:14-20.

[363] Hoskier 131:3-13ff; 128ff; 155:12ff.

[364] Hymn 50:6-14.

[365] str. 7.

[366] str. 9-10.

[367] str. 17.

[368] str. 18.

[369] str. 19.

[370] Schmid 79:3.

[371] Ibid 35:7.

[372] Ibid 142:5-10.

[373] Ibid 137:1; 18:18-21; 202:5f.

[374] Ibid 181:6-9; 202:8-13.

[375] Ibid 216:13-18; 221:15-222:6.

[376] Expositio Fidei (Kotter, Berlin 1973, 232:23).

[377] Ibid 233:39-43.

[378] Ibid 233:44-47.

[379] Ibid 233:47-234:52

[380] Ibid 233:31ff.

[381] الأرشمندريت أدريانوس شكور: المئة مقالة في الإيمان الأرثوذكسي، 1991، ص273-274.

[382] Vita 4:65  PL 75:214 A15- B5.

[383] Hom. in Ev. 1:1:1 PL 76: 1077c ff.

[384] Epistle 3:29 ( April 593 AD ).

[385] Ep.11:37.

[386] Ep.11:37.

[387] Ep. 11:37.

[388] Bishop Hurd: On Prophecy, vol 2., p28.

[389] Pulpet Commentary, Vol. 21 (2 Thess.) p. 54.

[390] Cf. Victor H. Matthews: Manners and Customs, article: Daniel;  Freeman: Manners and Customs of the Holy Bible,1991.

دار منهل الحياة: موسوعة الكتاب المقدس، لبنان، ص310-312.

[391] A. Edersheim: The Temple, 1976, p.69.

[392] Five Ancient Monarchies, vol. 3, p.20.

[393] Smith Dict. of the Bible

[394] Antiquities 7:12:3.

[395] Five Ancient Monarchies, vol.1, p. 537-8.

[396] Smith, Dict. Greek and Roman Ant.


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