مراجع تفسير سفر إشعياء للقمص تادرس يعقوب

[1] J. Vernon McGee: Isaiah, 1982, p. 7.

[2] أنطون يعقوب: تفسير نبوات إشعياء، 1949، ص 8.

[3] H. A. Ironaide: Expositary notes on the Prophet Isaiah, 1985, p. 3.

[4] See: Epistle of Barnabas; St. Justin: Apology 1, dial. With Trypho.

[5] Harry Bultema: Commentary on Isaiah, Michigan 1981, p. 19.

[6] Ibid, 1.

[7] Origen: Comm. On Is. 3:6-12; St. Justin: Dial with Trypho.

[8] J. Bultema, p. 12-15.

  The New Century Bible Comm.: R. E. Clements, Isaiah 1-39, 1988, p. 9-11.

[9] H. Bultema, p. 3.

[10] Ibid, p. 10-11.

[11] The New international Comm. On the O.T., Book of Isaiah 1-39, John N. Oswalt, 1986, p. 28.

[12] H. Bultema, p. 4.

[13] Ibid, p. 5-6.

[14] القس لوقا سيداروس: تأملات في سفر إشعياء، ج 1، مقدمة للقمص بيشوي كامل، ص 5.

[15] Oswalt, p. 29.

[16] Ibid, p. 53.

[17] H. Bultema, p.20.

[18] Oswalt, p. 33.

[19] Ibid, p. 39.

[20] C. R. North: Isaiah 40-55, 1981, p. 29-30.

[21] C. R. North: The Suffering Servant in Deutro-Isaiah:

  An Historical and Critical Study, 1956, p. 192-219.

[22] Oswalt, p. 51.

[23] Ironside, p. 8.

[24] Cf. Augustine: Sermons on the Liturgical Seasons, trans. By M. S. Muldowney: The Fathers of the Church, vol. 38 (N. Y. 1959), p. 80-81.

[25] Bultema, p. 363.

[26] Antiq. 11:1:2.

[27] Oswalt, p. 21.

[28] The Unity of Isaiah in the Light of Statistical Linguistics, Hildeshein 1973, p. 274-7.

[29] Cf. E. G. Young: Who wrote Isaiah?1958, p. 58-60.

[30] L. L. Adam& A. C. Rincher: The popular Critical View of the Isaiah Problem in the Light of Statistical Style Analysis, Computer Studies 4, 1973, 149-157.

[31] للاستفاضة في هذا الشأن (في الكتب العربية) راجع انطون يعقوب: تفسير نبوات إشعياء/ ص 25، 26، وبالإنجليزية   H. Bultema, p. 368/371..

[32] In Hebr. Hom. 23:8.

[33] Stromata 4:26.

[34] The Coptic Liturge of St. Gregory.

[35] On Jealousy and Enby 14.

[36] Adv. Haer.

[37] Fest. Letters 8.

[38] On the Ascention of Chirst.

[39] In John hom. 50:2.

[40] Ibid, p. 80-1.

[41] On Ps. 78.

[42] Paed. 19.

[43] Ibid, p. 2:8.

[44] On Virginity 18.

[45] In Exod. Hom. 6.

[46] Cat. Lect. 12:7.

[47] Cat. Lect.

[48] Comm. On John, Book 10-18.

[49] Comm. On Matt. Book 14:19.

[50] Institutes 4:38.

[51] Adv. Haer. 4:17:1.

[52] Frag. 38.

[53] Stromata 2:16.

[54] Fest. Letters 6.

[55] Ep. Of Barnabas 2.

[56] In John Book 10:11.

[57] Fest. Letters 12.

[58] Dial. With Trypho 32.

[59] Fest . Letters 12.

[60] Dial with Trypho 12.

[61] Justin: Apology 1:61: Greg. Naz. Oration on the Holy Lights 20: Cyril of Jerusalem: Cat. Lect. 1:1 etc.

[62] In John Hom. 70:2.

[63] Cat. Lect. 1:1.

[64] The Great Catechism 40.

[65] Cassian: Conf. 7:4.

[66] On Ps. 104.

[67] Ep. 1:8,9.

[68] In John hom. 70:3.

[69] In Heb. Hom 12:7.

[70] Ibid.

[71] Exhort. To Heath 10.

[72] Who is the rich that shall be saved? 39.

[73] In Hebr. Hom 12:7.

[74] Ad pop. P.G. 49:66,67.

[75] In John 1:5.

[76] Stromata 1:19.

[77] Comm. On Matt. Book 12:4.

[78] Adv. Haer 4:12:1.

[79] In Defense of His Flight to Pontus 46.

[80] Adv. Haer. 4:1:6.

[81] On Ps. Hom 51.

[82] Ep. 118:1P 22:39.

[83] Ep. 7:5.

[84] Comm. On John Book, 1 2:1.

[85] Ironside, p. 18,19.   Bultema, p. 50,51.

[86] Sermons On N.T. Lessons, 39:2.

[87] In 1John, hom, 1:13.

[88] City of God 10:22.

[89] In John tr. 6:9.

[90] City of God 18:54.

[91] In Num. Hom 3.

[92] Apology 1:39.

[93] Dial, with Trypho 135.

[94] In Matt. Hom 2:10.

[95] In Num. Hom 1.

[96] Dial. With Trypho 133.

[97] Cat. Lect, 13:12.

[98] In 1 Tim. Hom. 8:3.

[99] In 1 Tim. Hom 8.

[100] Ibid.

[101] Bultema, p. 70.

[102] Oration on the Holy Baptism 38.

[103] Adv. Haer. 4:22:1

[104] Paed. 3:9

[105] Ibid

[106] In Heb. Hom. 28:3

[107] In Eph. Hom. 5.

[108] In Lue.20:9-19.

[109] Catena Aurea. St. Mark Ch. 12.

[110] Ep. 74:5.

[111] In Luc. 20:9-19.

[112] Adv. Haer. 4:36:2.

[113] On John tr. 80:1.

[114] In Ps. 80.

[115] Cat. Lect. 13:29.

[116] Stromata 4:12.

[117] See St. Iren. Adv Haer. 3:17:3.

[118] In Heb. Hom. 10:2.

[119] Serm. On N.T. Lessons 1.

[120] In Ps. 77.

[121] In Matt. Hom. 48:8.

[122] In John tr. 80:1.

[123] On Ps. 119.

[124] On the Trinity 11:6.

[125] Paed. 3:12.

[126] In Gal. Hom. 1.

[127] In John hom 15:1.

[128] In Isai. Hom. 2:2.

[129] راجع للمؤلف: القديس يوحنا الذهبي الفم، 1988، ص 299.

[130] المرجع السابق، ص 32.

[131] The author: Church, House of God, 1982, p. 333.

[132] Gregory Dix: The Shape of the Liturgy, p. 237.

[133] Greg. Nyssa: Adv. Eunomius 2:14.

[134] Ibid 1:23.

[135] Bultema, p. 93.

[136] Ep. 1:34.

[137] Conc. The Statues, hom. 7:9.

[138] On Ps. 50.

[139] St. Cassian: Conf. 23:17.

[140] Ibid.

[141] In John tr. 53:6.

[142] Adv. Haer. 3:19:1.

[143] للمؤلف: ستعود بقوة أعظم، 1967، ص 5.

[144] On the Trinity 7:6:12.

[145] Ibid 15:2.

[146] Reply to Faustus and Manichacan 12:46.

[147] Ibid 4:2.

[148] Sermons on the N.T. Lessons 39:4.

[149] Stromata 4:21.

[150] Adv. Haer. 3:21:6.

[151] Against Marcionists and Manichaeans 3.

[152] Apology 1:33.

[153] J.B. Carol: Mariology, 1955, vol. 1, p. 51.

  Cf. Fr. T. Malaty: St. Mary in the Orthodox Concept, ch. 1.

[154] Adv. Haer 4:33:12.

[155] Comm. on Luke 2:57.

[156] Hymn 3 on Nativity.

[157] PG. 76:15-18.

[158] Bultema, p. 112.

[159] Ep. 164:7.

[160] Instructuions to Catechumens 2:2.

[161] In Heb. Hom. 4:5.

[162] Cat. Lect. 1:6.

[163] In Eph. Hom 20.

[164] On the Words of the Gospel, Or. 37:2.

[165] On the Theophany, Or, 38:2.

[166] On Ps. 88.

[167] Comm, on John, Book 2:21.

[168] Ep. 61:3.

[169] Of Christian Faith 3:84.

[170] Comm, on John, Book 1:42.

[171] Apology 1:35

[172] Ccontra Celsus 1.

[173] Comm, in Rom. 5:6.

[174] In John hom, 81:1.

[175] Stromata 5:1.

[176] Contra Celsus 6:67.

[177] Cat. Lect. 12:24.

[178] راجع للمؤلف: رسالة بولس الرسول إلى أهل رومية، 1985، 205

[179] In Rom. Hom. 17.

[180] In 2 Cor,2.

[181] City of God 18:33.

[182] Apology 1:32.

[183] للمؤلف: الروح القدس بين الميلاد الجديد والتجديد المستمر، 1981، ص 215.

[184] De Bapt. Christii.

[185] Oration 5 on the Holy Spirit, 29.

[186] Strom. 4:6.

[187] Hom. 18:10.

[188] Bultema, p. 149.

[189] للمؤلف: الروح القدس بين الميلاد الجديد والتجديد المستمر، 1981، ص 130.

[190] للمؤلف: قاموس آباء الكنيسة وقديسيها، ج 1 1986، ص113

[191] On Repentance 1.

[192] PG. 33:333A, 428 A..

[193] PG. 61:418.

[194] PG. 46. 429C.

[195] On Eutropius, hom 2.

[196] Ep. To the fallen Theodore, 2.

[197] القمص سمعان السرياني: سيرة وأقوال مار آفرام السرياني، 1988، ص 123.

[198] Cassian: Conf. 7:32.

[199] Bultema, p. 158.

[200] Institutionss 5:2.

[201] Whitaker: Documents of the Baptismal Liturgy, p. 37, 40.

[202] للمؤلف: الكنيسة تحبك، للقديس يوحنا الذهبي الفم، 1968 المقدمة.

[203] Bultema, ch. 14.

[204] On Eutropius, hom. 2.

[205] PG. 33:333A.

[206] PG. 33:357A.

[207] هل للشيطان سلطان عليك؟ للقديس يوحنا الذهبي الفم، ص62.

[208] Institutions 12:4.

[209] Ibid 12:8.

[210] القمص سمعان السرياني: سيرة وأقوال مار آفرام السرياني، 1988، ص 132-133.

[211] On Nativity, hymn 1.

[212] On Virginity 11.

[213] Cf. R.E. Clements: The New Century Bible Commentary, Isaiah 1-39, 1987, p. 152.

[214] Ibid 152.

[215] Ser. On N.T. Lessons 6:9.

[216] المطران أبيفانيوس: الأماني الذهبية من مقالات إكليل القديسين يوحنا الذهبي الفم، 1972، ص 49.


[217] New International Comm, on the O.T., Isaiah 1-39, p. 338-9.

[218] Cf. Bultema, p. 177.

[219] In Rom, hom 20.

[220] On Ps, hom, 23.

[221] Ironside: The Prophet Isaiah, 1985, p. 99; The New Westminster Dict, of the Bible: Arcor.

قاموس الكتاب المقدس: عروعير.


[222] On Nativity, hymn 2.

[223] للمؤلف: الحب الرعوي، ص 45.

[224] In Matt. In Gen. PG. 57:30; 53:228.

[225] In Paralyt. PG. 51:51.

[226] In Act. PG. 60:124.

[227] C.F. Keil: Comm, on the O.T., vol 7, p. 343.

[228] J.N. Oswalt: The Book of Isaiah, p. 352.

[229] Cf. Oswalt, p. 353.

[230] Ibid 351, n. 1.

[231] Ironside: The Prophet Isaiah, p. 103/4.

[232] Oswalt, p. 359.

[233] Ibid.

[234] Ibid.

[235] Cassian: Conf 5:5,6.

[236] Serm, on N.T. Lessons 1; On the Holy Trinity 4:13.

[237] Fr. T. Malaty: Introduction to the Coptic Orthodox Church, Ottawa 1088, ch 1.

[238] للمؤلف: الكنيسة القبطية الأرثوذكسية والروحانية، أتاوا، كندا، ص 5-6.

[239] Bultema, p. 195.

[240] للمؤلف: آباء مدرسة الإسكندرية الأولون.

[241] للمؤلف: الكنيسة القبطية الأرثوذكسية، 1986ا، ص 14.

[242] On Nativity, hymn 2.

[243] Bultema, p. 204.

[244] Ibid.

[245] In Hebr. Hom 23:9.

[246] Ibid.

[247] On Ps. 65.

[248] On Ps. 126.

[249] H. Bultema, p. 216.

[250] Ibid 216-7.

[251] الإنجيل بحسب لوقا، 1985، ص 589- 590.

[252] Comm, on Luke, hom 131.

[253] In Evang, hom 39.

[254] Fest. Ep. 7.

[255] Bultema p. 221-2.

[256] راجع تفسيرنا الروح القدس}يا يوحنا اللاهوتي، 1979، ص 42-43.

[257] In Joan, book 5:4.

[258] للمؤلف: حزقيال، 1981، ص 176-180.

[259] PL. 25:24,.

[260] H. Bultema, p. 226.

[261] Ibid 227.

[262] Cassian: Conf. 6:6.

[263] Against Arians 1:14.

[264] In Defense of His Flight to Pontus.

[265] Adv. Haer. 3:20:3.

[266] De Sacram. 5:12,13.

[267] De Trinit. PG. 39:708C.

[268] In 1Cor. Hom 24.

[269] Ep. 63:11.

[270] Myst. 43.

[271] Cat. Hom 15:20.

[272] Ibid 13:12; 16:30.

[273] Fr. Malaty: Christ in the Eucharist, 1985, book 1, ch. 6.

[274] PG. 33:841C.

[275] J.J. Collins: Collegeville Bible comm.. 13, Isaia p. 59.

[276] On Ps. 55.

[277] City of God 11:1.

[278] On Ps. 24.

[279] للمؤلف: الحب الإلهي، 727-729.

[280] City of God 19:26,27.

[281] الحب الإلهي، ص965.

[282] On Ps. 16.

[283] On Ps. 16.

[284] In Loan, hom 12.

[285] On the Holy Trinity 14:19:25.

[286] On the Spirit and the letter, ch. 37.

[287] St. Chrysostom: In Heb. Hom 5:5; the Paralytic let down through the roof 6.

[288] On Ps. 48.

[289] On the Holy Virginity 39.

[290] Ep. 36:31.

[291] Incar, of the Word 31.

[292] الحب الإلهي، ص467-468

[293] الحب الإلهي، ص469.

[294] Whitacker: Documents of the Baptismal Liturgy, p. 37, 39.

[295] الحب الإلهي، ص480.

[296] Paed. 1;9.

[297] Contra Arians 2:42; 3:24.

[298] R.E. Clements: The New Century Bible comm.., Isaiah, p. 220.

[299] الحب الإلهي، ص432-433.

[300] الحب الإلهي، ص366.

[301] Adv. Haer. 4:4:1.

[302] Ironside: The Prophet Isaiah, p. 167.

[303] الحب الإلهي، ص378-380.

[304] Demonstration 4 on Prayer, 4.

[305] St. Augustine: Sermons on N.T. Lessons 1:14,15.

[306] In Luc. Serm. 134.

[307] On Ps. 118.

[308] Jamieson, Fausset and Brown: Comm. On the Whole Bible, p. 543.

[309] قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص530.

[310] Ironside: The Prophet Isaiah, ch, 29.

[311] Jamieson, p. 544.

[312] للمؤلف: هل للشيطان سلطان عليك؟ ليوحنا ذهبي الفم ص62.

[313] In Matt. Hom 55.

[314] In Rom. Hom. 19.

[315] In Matt. Book 11:11.

[316] Instr. 1:9.

[317] On Ps, 49.

[318] Ibid 38.

[319] Ep. 1:15.

[320] Adv Eumon 1:37.

[321] Martyrius: Book of Perfection 5.

[322] قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص285.

[323] Dialogue sur l’ ame et les passions 4; trans. I. Hausherr, Orientalia Christiana Analecta 120, Rome 1938, 99

[324] Ep. to Olympias 10:2.

[325] In Jer. Hom.6:3.

[326] Sel. Ps. 119:85.

[327] De Baptismo 2.

[328] PG. 46:416C.

[329] De Mortuis. PG. 46:529A.

[330] De hominis opificio. PG. 44:237B.

[331] Ibid 161AB; In Christ; resurrectionem 3.

[332] Contra Eunom. 4. PG. 45:637A.B.

[333] On Ps. 146.

[334] سفر التكوين، 1988م، ص377.

[335] To Eutropius, hom.2.

[336] الحب الإلهي، ص50.

[337]الحب الإلهي، ص70-75.

[338] الحب الإلهي، ص38-40.

[339] ميمر عن المعمودية المقدسة.

[340] الحب الإلهي، ص80-83.

[341] On the Holy Baptism 27.

[342] J.J. Collins, p. 73.

[343] للمؤلف: هل للشيطان سلطان عليك؟ ليوحنا ذهبي الفم، ص73 الخ.

[344] In Matt. PG. 58:592.

[345] In Gen. PG. 53:76, 77.

[346] In Rom. PG. 60:499.

[347] Cf. St. Cassian: Conf. 11:13.

[348] De verb Habents.

[349] Apology 2:11:2.

[350] Oratio 42:12.

[351] Origen: Fragmenta in Joannem, IX.

[352] Cf. Henri Crouzel: Theologie de l’image de Dieu chez Origene, Paris 1,956,239ff.

[353] Cf. Ironside: The Prophet Isaiah, ch 34.

[354] On Ps. 8.

[355] De Principiis, Pref. 8.

[356] Bultema, ch 34.

[357] Bultema, p. 318.

[358] On the Baptism of Christ.

[359] للمؤلف: الروح القدس بين الميلاد الجديد والتجديد المستمر، 1981م، ص131.

[360] المرجع السابق، ص131.

[361] Sermon 5.

[362] In Heb. Hom. 30:2.

[363] Serm. on N.T. Lessons 16:3,4.

[364] On Matt. Book 11:18.

[365] On Ps. 46.

[366] Cat. Lect. 5:4.

[367] In Hebr. Hom.6:10.

[368] Ibid 23:9.

[369] للمؤلف: هل للشيطان سلطان عليك؟ للقديس يوحنا الذهبي الفم، مقال 3.

[370] In 2 Tim. Hom. 8.

[371] On Ps. 71.

[372] De Anno Sermo 4; PG. 54:666.

[373] Cf. Tomas’ Spidlik: The Spirituality of the Christian East, 1986, P.307. Nacertanye christianskago nravoucenija (Christian Moral Teaching),       Moscow 1895, p. 122.

[374] Ibid. 406.

[375] Cf. Spidlik: Theophane la Recluse, p. 240.

[376] Ibid 241.

[377] The histories of the Monks who lived in the Desert of Egypt.

للمؤلف: قاموس آباء الكنيسة وقديسيها، العهد الجديد 1 1986، ص40.

[378] In Librum Jesu Neve, hom. 8:4.

[379] De Principiis 3:21.

[380] Bultema, p. 344/5.

[381] R.E. Clements, p. 291.

[382] The Literal meaning of Genesis 6:17.

[383] Expos. In Ps. 4:4; PG. 55:44 ff.

[384] Demonstration 4, on Prayer 1,8,9.

[385] The Syriac Fathers on Prayer and the Spiritual life, p.  36.

[386] Ibid p. 219.

[387] In Joan. Hom 12:3.

[388] Ad Autolyeus 1:1-7; PG. 66:1024-36.

[389] Dwar. Ep. 7.

[390] Ibid 8.

[391] The Syriac Fathers p.249.

[392] Ibid p. 229.

[393] Fragments from Comm. On the prophet Isaiah, 1.

[394] In John hom. 3,5.

[395] In Ezech. 9:2 PG. 13:734 CD.

[396] In John hom 16:4.

[397] Comm. On John, book 2:26.

[398] On St. Luke, Serm. 6.

[399] To whom who had invited Him, 8.

[400] Comm. On Luke 3:1-5.   ترجمة مدام عايدة حنا بسطا  

[401] In Luke hom 21.

[402] On the Soul and its origin.

[403] On Ps. 52.

[404] Ibid 103.

[405] Ibid 62.

[406] On the Catechising of the Uninstructed 16:24.

[407] Ep. To Olympias 1:1.

[408] Adv. Haer. 5:33:4.

[409] Against Eunom. 2:12.

[410] Institutes 8:3.

[411] العناية الإلهية للقديس يوحنا الذهبي الفم، ترجمة عايدة حنا بسطا، ص19.

[412] المرجع السابق، ص8-9.

[413] Against Eunom. 2:11.

[414] للمؤلف: الحب الإلهي، ص836-837.

[415] Demon. 4 on Prayer, 7.

[416] Hymn of Faith 20:9.

[417] The book of Perfection 43,45,82.

[418] Ibid 46:47.

[419] Bultema, p. 390.

[420] R.N. Whybray: New Century Bible Comm., Isaiah 40-60; p. 61.

[421] Ep. 1:10.

[422] Theolog. Orations 4:3.

[423] Bultema, p. 396.

[424] On Ps. 22.

[425] للمؤلف: الروح القدس بين الميلاد الجديد والتجديد المستمر، 1981م، ص13.

[426] In Matt. PG. 58:79C.

[427] راجع للمؤلف: الإنجيل بحسب متى، 1987م، ص273-275.

[428] City of God 20:30.

[429] الحب الإلهي، ص866.

[430] De Spirit. Sanct. 15 .

[431] On Ps. 4.

[432] On Ps. 43.

[433] الحب الإلهي، ص62.

[434] Apophthegmanta. Poemen. 84.

[435] On Repentance.

[436] Bultema. P. 404.

[437] Justin: Dial. with Trypho 122.

[438] Ibid 65.

[439] Fr. Malaty: Christ in the Eucharist, book 1 (The Mystery of the New Testament).

[440] PG. 81:128B.

[441] . On Ps. 43.

[442] الحب الإلهي، ص70-71.

[443] الحب الإلهي، ص75.

[444] De Incarn. 8,9.

[445] Ibid 54.

[446] Orat. Against Arians, Disc, 3:19.

(See our book: The Coptic Orthodox Church as a church as a church of Erudition and Theology, 1986, p. 82-83.)

[447] In joan; in Rom,; PG. 59:79; 60:466.

[448] In 2 Cor; 1 Tim.; PG. 61:477-480; 62:536-7.

[449] In Rom.; PG. 60:477.

[450] الحب الإلهي، ص15-18.

[451] الحب الإلهي، ص467.

[452] On Modesty 16.

[453] Ep. 63.

[454] Bultemore, ch. 43.

[455] In John hom 19:2.

[456] Adv. Haer. 4:5:1.

[457] Fr. M.F. Wahba: The Doctrine of Sanctification in St. Athanasius’ Paschal letters, 1988, 77;

Fl Syr 14:4; p. 543; cf De Inc. 1:4 ;p. 36: 20:1, p. 47 ; Con. Gen. 1:5, p. 4.

[458] Fl Syr 10:4, p. 528; cf 1:1, p. 506.

[459] الروح القدس بين الميلاد الجديد والتجديد المستمر، س13.

[460] Book of Perfection, 40.

[461] Adv. Haer 4:17:3.

[462] Resisting the Temptation of the Devil, hom 2,6.

[463] Letters to the Fallen Theodore. 1:15.

[464] In 1 Cor. Hom. 11.

[465] In 2 Cor. Hom 5.

[466] In Heb. Hom 14:7.

[467]  In Zek. Hom 6:5.

[468] In Joan 5:2.

[469] ميمر عن المعمودية.

[470] Comm. On Cant. 3:1.

[471] Ep. To Furia 54.

[472] In Matt. PG. 57:99,80.

[473] On the Holy Spirit 9:22.

[474] Cat. Lect: Pref., 1:4.

[475] R.N. Whybray: The New Century Bible Comm., Isaiah 40-46, p. 104.

[476] قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص795-796.

[477] On Ps. 110.

[478] In John hom 9:1 (St. Chrysostom).

[479] That Demons do not govern the World, hom 1:15.

[480] Conf. 6:6.

[481] On Ps.85.

[482] Ibid.

[483] الحب الإلهي، ص233-234.

[484] In Hebr. Hom 17:4.

[485] In John hom 17:1.

[486] Ibid 18:1.

[487] الحب الإلهي، ص421.

[488] الحب الإلهي، ص429.

[489] الحب الإلهي، ص167، 170.

[490] A.J. Wensinck: Mystical Treatises, St.Isaac Syrian, p. 219.

[491] الحب الإلهي، ص730 الخ.

[492] الحب الإلهي، ص432.

[493] الحب الإلهي، ص70، 74.

[494] In Hebr. 29:33.

[495] Ep. 118:1.

[496] On Ps. 89.

[497] On Ps. 116.

[498] On Ps. Hom. 51.

[499] Pasch. Ep. 2,3.

[500] On Ps. 138.

[501] Comm. On Cant., Serm 4.

[502] In John, book 1:36.

[503] Comm. On Cant. 3;8.

[504] On Pa. 38..

[505] On Ps. 144.

[506] In John 1:37.

[507] In John, Book 1:37.

[508] الحب الإلهي، ص71، 74-75.

[509] On Ps. 118.

[510] On Ps. 166.

[511] Letter to Hesychius, 25.

[512] Ibid 26.

[513] Ibid 27.

[514] Ibid 29.

[515] Ibid 30.

[516] Ibid 22.

[517] Pasch. Letters 6.

[518] Cassian: Conf. 13:17.

[519] On Providence. 6.    ترجمة مدام عايدة حنا بسطا

[520] Cassian: Conf. 24:24.

[521] In Matt. Book 14:17.

[522] In John hom. 68:2.

[523] On Providence, 6.

[524] In 1 Cor. Hom 7.

[525] In 2 Cor. Hom 2.

[526] Pasc. Letters 8.

[527] To Olympias, 1:2.

[528] On Ps. 92.

[529] الحب الإلهي، 424.

[530] الحب الإلهي، ص424-425.

[531] Oration on the Holy Baptism 40:36.

[532] In Hebr. Hom 24:8.

[533] In Matt. Hom 11:3.

[534] In Matt. 3:9.

[535] الكنيسة تحبك، ص42.

[536] De poen PG. 49-336.

[537] Strom. 4:8:66.

[538] Prot, 10:108.

[539] An Acts hom 20:4 ; PG. 60:162.

[540] In MRR. HOM 18:1.

[541] الحب الإلهي، ص644.

[542] الحب الإلهي، ص638.

[543] الحب الإلهي، ص654- 657.

[544] الحب الإلهي، ص643-644.

[545] On John 1:11.

[546] On Rebuke and Grace, St. John Chrysostom 46.

[547] On Ps. 52.

[548] On Ps.68.

[549] In John hom 57:3.

[550] Ep. 1:16.

[551] Cat, Lect, 13:13.

[552] الحب الإلهي، ص341-342.

[553] الحب الإلهي، ص244.

[554] On Ps. 71.

[555] On Ps 86.

[556] On Ps 104.

[557] On the Son, 19.

[558] On the Good, Widowhood, 23.

[559] Orat. On Easter, 2:13.

[560] Orat, On the Son, 20.

[561] Cat. Lect. 13:34.

[562] Ep. To Barnabas,  ch5.

[563] Pasch. Ep. 1.

[564] الحب الإلهي، ص421-422.

[565] الحب الإلهي، ص423.

[566] الحب الإلهي، ص426.

[567] In John hom 13:3.

[568] On the Catechizing of the Uninstructed.

[569] On Ps. 38.

[570] On Ps. 45.

[571] On Ps. 50.

[572] الحب الإلهي، ص246.

[573] On the Creed, 8.

[574] In John hom 85:1.

[575] On Ps. 38.

[576] Orat. On Easter, 34.

[577] In Joan tr. 56:4

[578] Comm. On Matt. 10:23.

[579] Against 2 Letters of the Palagians 3:13.

[580] In Matt. Hom 16.

[581] On Ps. 89.

[582] On Ps. 102.

[583] On Ps. 59.

[584] للمؤلف: القديس يوحنا الذهبي الفم، 1988، ص 211.

[585] للمؤلف: القديس يوحنا الذهبي الفم، 1988، ص 215.

[586] للمؤلف: القديس يوحنا الذهبي الفم، 1988، ص 213.

[587] In John hom 46:1

[588] On the Grace of Christ 13.

[589] Vita Antonii 14

[590] الحب الإلهي، ص 960.

[591] On Holy Baptism 28.

[592] الحب الإلهي، ص 45-46.

[593] الحب الإلهي، ص 51.

[594] الحب الإلهي، ص 46-47.

[595] On Ps. 70.

[596] City of God 16:41.

[597] On Ps. 104.

[598] On Ps. 135.

[599] Hymns on Nativity 4.

[600] Collationes 1:13.

[601] Fragm. In Joan 1X.

[602] See Henri Crouzel: Théologie de I’image de Dieu chez Origène. Paris 1956, p. 239 ff.

{See T. Spidik: The Spirituality of the Christian East, p. 291}.

[603] Carminum Liber 1.11.9, r 19ff; PG. 37:668.

{See T. Spidik, p. 291}.

[604] In Eph. Hom 1.

[605] In Matt., In Gen. PG. 57:30; 53:228.

[606] In Paralyt. PG. 51:51.

[607] City of God 17:4.

[608] City of God 22:30.

[609] Treat. On Christ and Antichrist, 3.

[610] On Prayer, 28.

[611] للمؤلف: رسالة إلى أرملة شابة، للقديس يوحنا الذهبي الفم.

[612] الحب الإلهي، ص 519.

[613] الحب الإلهي، ص 521.

[614] الحب الإلهي، ص 522.

[615] On Ps. 82.

[616] للمؤلف: الكنيسة تحبك، للقديس يوحنا الذهبي الفم، 1968، ص 61 الخ.

[617] On Ps. 40.

[618] Lowliness of Mind.

[619] On Ps. 77.

[620] In 1 Cor. Hom 23.

[621] Letters to the Fallen Theodore. 1:6.

[622] Ep. 130:3.

[623] On Ps. 97.

[624] Cassian: Conf. 21:14.

[625] On His Father’s Silence, 20.

[626] On Ps. 43.

[627] Ibid.

[628] Ibid 138.

[629] To the Fallen Theodore, 1:8.

[630] Tomas Spidlik: The Spirituality of the Christian East, p. 187.

[631] Treat. 5:11.

[632] On Ps. 140.

[633] الحب الإلهي، ص 169.

[634] الحب الإلهي، ص 171.

[635] الحب الإلهي، ص 167.

[636] الحب الإلهي، ص 71.

[637] Against 2 Letters of the Pelagians 4.8.

[638] The Coptic Liturgy of St. Gregory the Theologian.

[639] On Repentance 1.

[640] Ibid 2.

[641] Kay’s Writings of Clement of Alexandria, p. 437.

[642] للمؤلف: الروح القدس بين الميلاد الجديد والتجديد المستمر، 1981م، ص 83.

[643] ميمر عن المعمودية المقدسة.

[644] City of God 5:14.

[645] للمؤلف: الكنيسة بيت الله، 1979م، ص 311-314.

[646] On Ps. Hom 23.

[647] On the Baptism of Christ.

[648] . On Virginity 18.

[649] القمص متياس فريد: التجسد والروح القدس، 1981، ص 10.

[650] Adv. Haer 3:18:3.

[651] On Myst. 3:1.

[652] للمؤلف: الروح القدس بين الميلاد الجديد والتجديد المستمر، 1981م، ص 14.

[653] The Eialogue against Luciferians.

[654] الحب الإلهي، ص 683.

[655] On the Baptism of Christ.

[656] On the Myst. 4:8.

[657] . Ibid 5:10.

[658] De Virginibus 1:5:22. PL. 19:195.

[659] On the Nativity of our Saviour 2.

[660] Strom 4:26.

[661] Orat. On Easter 35.

[662] Book of Perfection 77.

[663] On Nativity hymn 2.

[664] للمؤلف: هل للشيطان سلطان عليك؟ ليوحنا ذهبي الفم، ص61.

[665] Anti-Niciene Frs, bol 5, p. 253.

[666] On Repentance, 2.

[667] Ladder 5; PG. 88:764B.

[668] De Paenitentia 2:2, PG 49:285.

[669] Book of perfection, 10.

[670] St. Cassian: Conf. 23:4.

[671] Ep. 44.

[672] In Rom. Hom 18.

[673] Ibid.

[674] Against the Heresy of One Noetus 12.

[675] See Ep. Of Barnabas 12; St. Justin Apol. 1:35.

[676] St. Sassian Conf, 3:22.

[677] On Ps. 88.

[678] للمؤلف: الروح القدس بين الميلاد الجديد والتجديد المستمر، 1981م، ص 14-15.

[679] Dial with Trypho, 32.

[680] In Exod. Hom 9.

[681] Serm. On N.T. Lessons 7:6.

[682] On Ps. 122.

[683] On Ps. 99..

[684] On Ps. 132.

[685] On Ps. 104.

[686] In John hom 7:1.

[687] Ep. 6:3.

[688] Adv. Haer. 4:18:3.

[689] Hugo Rahner: our Lady and the Church, p. 72.

[690] In Exod. Hom. 10:4.

[691] De Sargiusga 8:2.

[692] De Virginitate 2:13; PG. 46:324, 380.

[693] Sermon 181:4.

[694] De Virginitate 4:20 ; PL. 16:271.

[695] Comm. On Luke 10:25 ; Pl. 15:1810.

[696] City of God 20:21.

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