مراجع تفسير سفر يهوديت للقمص تادرس يعقوب ملطي


(1) راجع راهب من دير البراموس: تفسير سفر يهوديت، 1997، ص 7.

(2) Introduction to Judith in the Vulgate version.

Charles, Charles, R., The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament (Oxford, Clarendon Press), p. 246, who late dates the writing of the book by linking the author to “the Pharisaic party”, thinks that he must have been “a Palestinian Jew.. a man of some literary skill.. well acquainted with the literature of his people”. Could this great man, as Akhi-miti, actually be the Archimedes of Greek tradition?

(3) TCE, article “Judith”, VIII, (The Ency. Press, Inc., N.Y.), 555, citing Calmet’s “Introd. in Lib. Judith”.

(4) دار الشرق، بيروت 1988: الكتاب المقدس – العهد القديم، ص 904.

(5) Cf. Carey Moore, p. 73-74.

(6) W.O.E. Oestereley: Books of the Apocrypha, N.Y. 1914, p. 38.

(7) Norman B .Johnson: Prayer in the Apocrypha.., 1948, p. 7.

(8) Adolphe Lods: Histoire de la littérature hébraique et juive, paris 1950, p. 789.

(9) L.Soubigou: Judith, La Sainte Bible de Loius et Albest Clamer, 4, Paris. 1952, p. 495-496. Cf. Carey Moore, p. 77.

(10) http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08554a.htm

(11) Praef. In Lib.

(12) Charles,  Op. cit., 243.

(13) ] E.J., 452, 460. See also Leahy, op. cit., 403. A.F. Rainey, `The Toponymics of Eretz-Israel’ in ASOR Bulletin, No. 231, Oct 1978, p. 1-17.

(14) Charles,  Op. cit., 244.

(15) TCE, article “Judith”, VIII, (The Ency. Press, Inc., N.Y.), 555, citing Calmet’s “Introd. in Lib. Judith”.

(16) Cf. Carey Moore, p. 86 ff.

(17) الحلقة هي هيكل الناموس اليهودي في تلمود، وهي تفسر وتقدم إضافات لشرائع العهد القديم.

(18) هذا المتطلب صار إلزاميًا بعد عام 65م.

(19) Clem. Rom.: Ep. to Corinth. 1: 55.

(20) Origen: Ep. to African. 13

(21) ايهاب رئيف وهيب: سفر يهوديت 1996، ص 6.

(22) Judith, 404. See also TCE, 554.

(23) The”festival” to which Leahy refers here may possibly be the Hannukah itself. Though Judas Maccabeus is thought to have instituted Hannukah on the 25th of Chislev, the feast of the Temple’s Dedication, he may in fact have been merely reviving what was already an old feast that had become neglected during the régime of Antiochus ‘Epiphanes’, as he certainly did revive Mordecai’s feast (no doubt Purim) on the 13th of Adar (1 Maccabees 7:49).

(24) Cary A. Moore: Judith (The Anchor Bible, 40. N.Y. 1985, p. 44).

(25) Moore, p. 45.

(26) Damien Mackey, A Historical Commentary on the Book of Judith, March 2003.

(27) Cf. Damien Mackey, A Historical Commentary on the Book of Judith, March 2003; M. Leahy: Judith, 407.

(28) Thus Diodorus Siculus xvii, 6, 1, as referred to in Encyclopedia Judaica (EJ), “Judith”.

(29) E.J., Ibid. Douay gives Vagao, rather than Bagoas; Luckenbill, D., Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia, Vol. II (Greenwood Press, NY.), p.  97..

(30) القس مرقس حنا: سفر يهوديت، لوس إنجيلوس 2000، ص 15-16..

(31) القس مرقس حنا، ص 15.

(32) دراسات بيبلية: 1 القراءة المسيحية للعهد القديم، بيروت 1991، ص 147 إلخ.

(33) The Oxford Bible Commentary, (J. Barton and J. Muddiman), 2000, p. 635.

(34) H. N. Richardson: Apocrypha & Pseudpigrapha, p. 536.

(35) راجع راهب من دير البراموس، ص 16.

(36) Letter to Salvina, 79:10.

(37) The Sacred History of Sulpitius Severus, 2:16.

(38) Carey Moore p. 74.

(39) Damien Mackey: A Historical Commentary on the Book of Judith, March 2003.

(40) Cf. Cary Moore, p. 81.

(41) The Oxford Bible Commentary, (J. Barton and J.Muddiman), 2000, p. 635.

(42) راجع راهب من دير البراموس: تفسير سفر يهوديت، 1997، ص 44.

(43) Nelson Bible Dictionary, article Ecbatana.

(44) New Umger’s Bible Dictionary, article Ecbatana.

(45) Herodotus, 1: 98, 99, 153.

(46) Fausset’s Bible Dictionary: Ecbatana.

(47) Nelson’s  Bible Dictionary, article Achmetha..

(48) راجع راهب من دير البراموس: تفسير سفر يهوديت، 1997، ص 45.

(49) Carey Moore. P. 125.

(50) Carey Moore. P. 125.

(51) Moore, p. 12506; Herodotus, Hist. 1: 188; 5: 49).

(52) Carey Moore. P. 126.

(53) راجع راهب من دير البرموس: تفسير سفر يهوديت، 1997، ص 47.

(54) Carey Moore. P. 126.

(55) Interpreter Dictionary of the Bible – article Chellus.

(56) Carey Moore. P. 126.

(57) Hist. 2:30.

(58) Geog. 17: 1: 32.

(59) Carey Moore. P. 129.

(60) Luckenbill, D., Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia, Vol. II (Greenwood Press, NY.). p.42.

(61) Roux, G., Ancient Iraq (Penguin Books, 1964), p. 348.

(62) Carey Mooer, p. 134.

(63) المرزبان أو حاكم ولاية ثانوي مستبد.

(64) Luckenbill,p. 606.

(65) Luckenbill, D., Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia, Vol. II (Greenwood Press, NY.).

(66) Luckenbill, p.10.

(67) راهب من دير البراموس، ص 58.

(68) Carey Mooer, p. 138.

(69) Cf. Carey Moore, p.139.

(70) Cf. Carey Moore, p.139.

(71) Antiq. 13: 15: 14.

(72) Damien Mackey:  A Historical Commentary on the Book of Judith, March 2003.

(73) Judith, London, 1888, p. 279.

(74) Cf. Carey Moore, p. 141- 142.

(75) The Historical Geography of the Holy Land (Collins, The Fontana Library), 203-204.


(76) موسوعة الكتاب المقدس: دار منهل الحياة، 1993، ص 70.

(77) Josephus: Antiq. 13: 1:3.

(78) Macmillan Bible Atlas, Map 21.

(79) Interpreter Dictionary of the Bible, Judith.

(80) Carey Moore, p.158.

(81) Carey Moore, p.158.

(82) Cf. Carey Moore, p.140.

(83) City of God, 1:13.

(84) Josephus: Antiq 1: 6: 5.

(85) Interpreter Dictionary of the Bible, Abel Maacha

(86) Carey Moore, p.173.

(87) Macmillan Bible Atlas, Map 211

(88) TCE, article “Judith”, VIII, (The Ency. Press, Inc., N.Y.), 555.

(89) Duties of the Clergy, Book 3:14:88.

(90) Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, 5:1:20.

(91) To the Philadelphians, 4.

(92) Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, 3:1:7.

(93) Homilies on St. John, Homily 61:4.

(94) Concerning Widows, 7: 37.

(95) Duties of the Clergy, Book 3: 13: 85.

(96) TCE, 555. On the other hand any thinking person can `empathise’ with someone in need of some kind of help. There is really no advantage of being a virgin other than being more independent while at the same time lacking normal human company. Men and women were created for each other, not to remain celibate. One cannot worship God better by remaining celibate, for the other celibate person next to you becomes your unnatural `partner’ and you still are not alone.

(97) On St. John, AN Frs, Volume 10, p.336.

(98) Concerning Widows, 7: 38.

(99) Concerning Virgins, Book 2: 4: 24.

(100) Duties of the Clergy, Book 3: 13: 84.

(101) Conder, C., The Survey of Western Palestine, Vol. II (Committee Of Palestine Exploration Fund, London, 1882), pp. 156-157.

“And when the men of the city saw them, they took up their weapons, and went out of the city to the top of the hill: and every man that used a sling kept them from coming up by casting of stones against them.” Judith 6:12.

(102) For this place name of `Hills of Sheikh Iskander’ and of Zebdah and Bûrkîn see also PSBA, May, 1887, p. 163.

(103) C.R.C. Quarterly Statement, July 1881.

(104) ] Luckenbill, p. 561

(105) Luckenbill, p 507, 521.

(106) Duties of the Clergy, Book 3: 13: 82.

(107) Epistle 63:29.

(108) Letter to Furia 54:16.

(109) Stromata 4:19.

(110) Methodius: The Banquet of the Ten Virgins, or Concerning Chastity, Discourse 11:2:14.

(111) Tertullian: De monogamia 17. PL 2: 952.

(112) Methodius of Tyre: Convivum decem virgin, Oratio 11: 2. PG 18: 212.

(113) De Virginibus 1: 2: 4. PL 16: 213.

(114) Fulgentius of Ruspe (467-533) to the Widow Galla. Epistle 2: 29.

(115) Given as Cb6 in H. Tadmor’s “The Campaigns of Sargon II of Assur”, JCS XII (1958), 96.

(116) ??? (توضيح من الموقع: لم تظهر الحاشية في الكتاب)

(117) As quoted by Jonsson, op. cit., 16.

The name EsARhadDON is a reasonable likeness to MARDONius mentioned  in (Encyclopedia Judaica (EJ), “Judith)..

Aspects of the story regarding the Commander-in-chief in Judith do seem to have certain likenesses, too, to Xerxes’ commander, Mardonius; and/or even Hannibal’s ultimately headless brother, Hasdrubal.

Even the search for Mardonius dead on the battlefield is reminiscent of Sennacherib’s enquiries about his dead son.

(118) Concerning Widows 7: 41.

(119) Duties of the Clergy, Book 3: 13: 83.

(120) E. J., 451.

(121) Paschal Letters, 4: 2.

(122) Concerning Widows 7: 42.


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