مراجع تفسير المزامير للقمص تادرس يعقوب
[1] J.H. Raven: Old Testament Introduction, 1910, p. 256.
[2] Robert T. Boyd: Boyd’s Bible Handbook, 1983, 232.
[3] Cosmos and History: The Myth of the Eternal Return. N.Y., 1954, p. 104.
[4] B. W. Anderson: Understanding the Old Testament, 1986, p. 541.
[5] Ralph P. Martin: Worship in the Early Church, 1976, ch. 4.
[6] Ibid.
[7] Ep. 3 to Gregory.
[8] R. E.Prothero: The Psalms in Human Life, 1904, p. 1.
[9] St. Bisa (the disciple of St. She-noute): An Ascetic Treatise. (British Museum Or. 6007).
[10] R. E. Prothero, p. 14.
[11] Ibid, p. 14.
[12] Book of Perfection, 59; See St. Nilus, Ep. 1: 239 (PG 79: 169D); and E.Budge, The Wit and Wisdom of the Christian Fathers of Egypt, London 1934, p. 31 (nos. 106, 107).
[13] P. 545-546.
[14] Anderson, p. 546.
[15] Leopold Sabourin: The Psalms, their origin and meaning, 1969, v. 1, p. 18.
[16] B. Chids: Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture, 1986, p. 508.
[17] P. 544, 543.
[18] Artur Weiser: The Psalms, 1962, p. 19.
[19] Book of Praises, p. 19.
[20] Book of Perfection, 79.
[21] Demonstration 4, On Prayer, 17. See The Syriac Fathers on Prayer and the Spiritual Life, Cistercian Publications Inc, Michigan, 1987, p. 22.
[22] On Prayer, chapter 14: 2.
[23] Old Testament Message: Psalms 1, Delaware 1985, P. 40-41.
[24] On Prayer 2: 5.
[25] St. Hipp.: On the Psalms.
[26] See The Collegeville Bible Commentary, Liturgical Press, 1989, p. 754.
[27] Edward p. Blair: The Illustrated Bible Handbook, 1975, p. 150.
[28] R. E. Prothero, p. 18.
[29] The Collegeville Bible Commentary, p. 755.
[30] See Anderson, p.
[31] Dial., 117 (cf. Apology 1: 13).
[32] W. S. Deal: Baker’s Pictorial Introduction to the Bible, 1967, 147.
[33] Boyd’s Bible Handbook, p. 230-231.
[34] Ibid 231.
[35] Enarrat. In Psalm 40.
[36] The Psalms, School of Spirituality, Challoner Publishing, London. 1962, p. 119.
[37] J. Mckenzie: Dictonary of the bible, p. 705; Collegeville Bible Commentary, p. 755.
[38] 1987, p. 48.
[39] Names of God, Moody Press, 1944, p. 9.
[40] Reader’ Digest: Mysteries of the Bible, p. 20).
[41] William S. Plumer: psalms, A critical and Expositary Commentary with Doctrinal and PracticalRemarks, 1978, p. 7; L. Sabourin: The Psalms, v. 1, p. 2.
[42] The Fourth Gospel and Jewish Worship, Oxford, 1960, p. 6.
[43] Boyd’s Bible Handbook, p. 231-232.
[44] The Jerome Biblical Commentary, 1970, p. 570.
[45] Sabourin, p. 11.
[46] L. Sabourin p. 12.
[47] William S. Plumer: Psalms, Pennsylvania, 1987, p. 5, 6.
[48] Ibid. 6.
[49] Ibid.
[50] The Jerome biblical comm.. p. 571.
[51] P. 50-51.
[52] Summerische und akkadische Hymnen und Gebete, Zurich, 1953, p. 56; Jerome Bin. Comm. P. 571-2.
* قام بترجمة المقدمة الأب الراهب برنابا.
[53] B. Anderson: Understanding the Old Testament, 1986, p. 545.
[54] Artur Weiser: The Psalms, 1962, p. 109.
[55] The Collegeville Bible Commentary, p. 756.
[56] Leopold Sabourin: The Psalms, their origin and meaning, 1969, Vol. 2, p. 258.
[57] C. Stuhlmueller, p. 61.
[58] On Ps. 2, p. 15.
[59] Concerning the Statues, 18: 10.
[60] Cassian, Conf. 11: 15.
[61] In Ps. Hom. 55.
[62] Childs: Introduction to the O. T. as Scriptures, p. 513.
[63] Comm.. on Songs 3: 5.
[64] In Ps. Hom. 1.
[65] In John hom. 18: 4.
[66] An Exod. Hom. 9: 4.
[67] Serm. 116: 2.
[68] Comm.. on Canticle, Serm. 3.
[69] On Lev., hom. 6: 1.
[70] Oration 27: 4 (PG 36: 16 B-C and 20 B).
[71] Book of Perfection, 60.
[72] Hom. 1.
[73] On Ps. 1: 18 (13).
[74] Serm. 112: 3.
[75] Letter to the Magnesians, 13.
[76] Scripture Union: The Psalms, p. 4.
[77] Weiser, p. 107.
[78] Comcerning the Statues, 8: 4.
[79] Nelson: A New Catholic Comm. On Holy scripture, p/ 443.
[80] Hom. 1.
[81] In Ioan. 49: 20.
[82] See Rabbi Avrohom Feuer tehillim, Psalms-A New Translation with a Commentary Anthologiaed from Talmud, Midrashic and Rabbinic Sources, (Brooklyn, N. Y.: Messorah Public. Ltd. 1985, p. 51).
قام بترجمة تفسير المزمور الأول المهندس أمجد نعمة الله نجيب.
[83] The Psalms, their origin and meaning. Vol. 2, p. 209-210.
[84]Ibid, p. 209.
[85] The NIV Study Bible, 1985, p. 787.
[86]Sabourin, Vol. 2, p. 213.
[87]Arno C. Gaebelein: The Book of Psa;ms, 1982, p. 21.
[88] Matthew Henery, Psalm II.
[89] In Cor. Hom. 39: 11.
[90] C. Stuhlmueller, p. 62.
[91] Nelson: A New Catholic Comm. On Holy Sripture, p. 444.
[92] Weiser, p. 112.
[93] Comm. On Luke, hom. 134.
[94] In Joan, hom, 53.
[95] Of the Christian Faith, 5: 10 (122).
[96] Ibid, 5: 1 (24).
[97] Four Discourese against the Arians, 2: 23.
[98] Weiser, p. 109.
[99] Comm.. On Luke hom 148.
[100] Paschal letters, 11: 5.
[101] Ibid, 11: 14.
[102] Sermon 107: 4.
[103] Nelson, p. 444.
[104] Paed. 1: 7.
[105] Treatise 2: 1.
[106] Disc. On Ps. 2.
[107] In Eph. Hom. 17.
[108] Letter 2: 19.
[109] Cassian, Conf. 11: 12.
[110] Book of Perfection, 2.
[111] Chapters on Prayer, 143.
[112] Sermon, 134: 3.
[113] Discourse 18: On the Tears of Prayer, 1.
[114] Stromata, 5: 13.
قام بترجمة هذا المزمور المهندس أمجد نعمة الله والدكتورة نورا العجمي.
[115] The Jerome Biblical Comm., p/ 576.
[116] See Weiser, p. 117.
[117] Against Praxeas, 11.
[118] Matthew Henry, Psalm III.
[119] Ep. 76: 5.
[120] NIV Study Bible, p. 788.
[121] Against Marcion 4: 13.
[122] Dialogue with Trypho, 97.
[123] Demonstration 8 of the Resurrection of the dead, 18. (See also the First Epistle of St. Clement “of Rome”, 26).
[124] Apology 1: 38.
[125] Stromata 5: 14.
[126] City of God. 14: 24.
[127] In Joshua, hom, 15:1.
[128] Collegevill Bible Commen., p. 756.
[129] Kinder: The Psalms, p. 55.
[130] Ibid.
[131] Sermon 137: 1.
[132] William S. Plumer: Psalms, A Critical and Expository Commentary with Doctrinal and Practical Remarks, Pennsylvania, 1978, p. 62-63.
[133] On Prayer 30: 1.
[134] Fest. Letters 11: 1.
[135] Weiser, p. 120.
[136] NIV Study Bible, p. 789.
[137] Against Anger.
[138] In Matt. Hom. 16: 9.
[139] Duties of the Clergy, 1: 3 (13).
[140] Against Marcion 2: 19.
[141] The Institutes, 8: 9.
[142] Sabourin, Vol. 2, p. 93.
[143] In Hebr. 14: 9.
[144] In Matt. Hom 42: 2.
[145] In Non ag grat. Vonc. PG. 50: 660 D.
[146] Sermon 58: 3.
[147] In Hebr. 11: 6.
[148] Fest. Letters 19: 4.
[149] 1: 12: 7.
[150] NIV Study Bib;e, p. 790
[151] Collegeville Bible Comm., p. 756.
* قام بترجمة هذا المزمور الدكتور يوسف عزيز نخلة.
[152] Kidner, p. 57.
[153] Weiser, p. 123; Sabourin, vol. 2, p. 6.
[154] William S. Plumer: Psal,s, p. 77.
[155] Ibid.
[156] Expos. In Ps. 5. PG. 55: 63 B-C.
[157] Expos. In Ps. 5. PG. 55: 63 D.
[158] Hom. 2.
[159] Plumer, p. 77.
[160] Hom. 2.
[161] See Saburin, vol. 2, p. 7.
[162] The Long Rules, Q. 37.
[163] Hom. 2.
[164] On Divine providence, Disc. 10: 17.
[165] Dorotheos of Gaza: On Falsehood.
[166] Hom. 2.
[167] Against the Palagians, 3: 8.
[168] Ibid 3: 1.
[169] Hom. 2.
[170] Paed. 1: 5.
[171] Hom. 2.
[172] Concerning the Statues, 4: 10.
[173] Hom. On St. John 66: 3.
[174] Hom. 2.
[175] In Matt. Hom. 73.
[176] Comm.. on Songs 3: 5.
* اشترك في الترجمة الدكتور جرجس كامل يوسف والمهنسة حنان سمير.
[177] Youssef Mankarius & Habib Girgis: El-Roud El-Nadier Fi Tafseer El-Maxzamir, p. 98, 99 (in Arabic).
[178] Plumer, p. 93.
[179] Feuer, Tehillim, p. 100.
[180] Ep. Ti the Magnesians, 9.
[181] Matthew Henry Comm. In one volume, p. 583.
[182] Plumer, 97.
[183] Cassian: Conf. 1: 14.
[184] In Matt. Hom. 36.
[185] In Eph. Hom. 24.
[186] Hom. On St. John 34: 3.
[187] The New American Bible, p. 546.
[188] In Hebr. Hom. 31.
[189] In Hebr. Hom 9: 9.
[190] On Lazarus and the rich man, serm. 1.
[191] In I Tim. Hom 14.
[192] Cassian: Conf. 20: 8.
[193] Cassian: Conf. 9: 29.
[194] On Vigils.
[195] Six Treatises on the Behavior of Excellence, 4.
[196] A Treatise in Questions and Answer.
[197] A Treatise in Questions and Answer.
[198] Sermon 149: 2.
[199] In Hebr. Hom. 17: 9.
* يوسف منقريوس وحبيب جرس: الروض النضير في تفسير المزامير، الجزء الأول، ص 98، 99.
[200] Gaebelein: Psalms, p. 40.
[201] W. Plumer: Psalms, p. 106.
[202] Ibid.
[203] Weiser, p. 136.
[204] Onsemius of Jerusalem, Psalm 7.
[205] W. Plumer: Psalms, p. 108.
[206] Duties of the Clergy, 3: 9: 59.
[207] Ep. To the Ephesians, 10.
[208] On Rancor or Animosity.
[209] Sermon 36: 3; 75: 3.
[210] The NIV Study Bible, p. 792.
[211] Erling C. Olsen: Meditation in the Book of Psalms, N.J., 1985, p. 41.
[212] Hom. 3.
[213] Ibid.
[214] Against Marcion 5: 7.
[215] In Cor., Hom. 9: 4.
[216] In 2 Tim., Hom. 3.
[217] Sermon 154: 3.
[218] Of the Holy Spirit, 2: 183.
[219] Cassian: Conf. 7: 21.
[220] Plumer, p. 115-116.
* اشترك في الترجمة الدكتور جرجس كامل يوسف وميرفت يوحنا بطرس
[221] Plumer: Psalms, p. 121; Weiser, p. 141.
[222] Exhort. To the Heathen, 4.
[223] Comm.. on Luke, hom. 96.
[224] Comm.. on Canticle, sermon 12.
[225] Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, 7.
[226] Adv. Haer. 4: 11: 3.
[227] Paed. 1:5.
[228] A Treatise on the Soul, 19.
[229] Stuhmueller, p. 90.
[230] Weiser, p. 142-3.
[231] Collegeville Bible Comm., p. 757.
[232] The Lord’s Prayer, serm. 5.
[233] Weiser, p. 144.
[234] Of Patience, 5.
[235] Duties of the Clergy, 1: 28: 139.
[236] On the Flesh of Christ, 14.
[237] Against Marcion 3. 7; 2: 27; 4: 21.
[238] Comm.. on luke, hom. 99.
اشترك في الترجمة الدكتور جرجس كامل يوسف.
[239] Onsemius of Jerusalm, Ps. 9.
[240] Plumer: Psalms, p. 132.
[241] Fr. T. Malaty: Isaiah, 1990, p. 155-156 (in Arabic).
[242] Comm.. on Eccles., sermon 7: 44.
[243] Plumer, p. 133.
[244] M. Henry Comm. In one volume, p. 586.
[245] In John, hom. 65: 1.
[246] Comm.. on Luke, hom. 12.
[247] Plumer, p. 138.
[248] Adv. Haer. 3: 18: 5.
[249]Plumer, psalm 9.
[250] Comm.. on Luke, hom. 152
[251] In Acts, hom. 12.
[252] Demonstration 2 on Deathe and the Latter Times, 17.
[253] Plumer, p. 150.
[254] Ibid, 151.
[255] Sermon 59:7.
[256] Plumer, p. 154.
[257] In Acts hom. 39.
[258] In Acts hom. 7.
[259] Comm.. on the Canticle serm.
[260] Plumer, p. 155.
[261] In John hom 39: 1.
[262] In John hom 45: 3.
[263] Comm.. on Canticle, serm.
[264] In Epn. Hom. 24.
[265] Plumer: The Psalms, p. 173.
[266] Ibid, 165.
[267] In Matt. hom. 18:2.
[268] Ep. 145.
[269] In Luc. 12.
[270] Plumer, p. 171.
[271] Ibid, 167.
[272] Comm. on Songs 3:8.
[273] Plumer, p. 167.
[274] Hom. on St. John 49:3.
[275] Sermon 145: 1; 173:2; 173:5.
[276] Comm. on Luke, Hom. 95.
* قام بترجمة النص الدكتور جرجس كامل يوسف
[277] Interpreter’s Cocise Commentary, Psalms, p. 80.
[278] Hom. on Eph. 14.
[279] Ibid.
[280] Stromata 6:7.
قام بترجمة التفسير الدكتور جرجس كامل يوسف
[281] Plumer, p. 183.
[282] Ibid 187.
[283] Comm. on Luke, hom. 92.
[284] Sermon 137:3.
[285] Plumer, p. 188.
اشترك في ترجمة التفسير الدكتور جرجس كامل يوسف والدكتورة نورا العجمي
[286] A new Catholic Comm., Nelson, 1969, p. 447.
[287] The Collegeville Bible Comm., 758.
[288] Stuhlmueller, p. 109.
[289] Ibid.
[290] Plumer, p. 192.
[291] Paschal letters, 19:6.
[292] Duties of the Clergy 1:24: 117.
[293] In 2 Cor. Hom. 3:6.
[294] Plumer, p. 192, 193.
اشترك في الترجمة الدكتور جرجس كامل يوسف والدكتورة نورا العجمي
[295] A New Catholic Comm. 447.
[296] Plummer, p. 199.
[297] Hom. 5.
[298] Hom. 5.
[299] Stuhlmueller, p. 113.
[300] Plumer, p. 200.
[301] Hom. 5.
[302] Hom. 5.
[303] Plumer, p. 205.
[304] In 1 Cor. Hom. 29:5.
[305] Hom. 5.
[306] Cassion: Conf. 14:17.
[307] Ep. 19 to vigilius,.
شترك في الترجمة الدكتور جرجس كامل يوسفوالدكتورة نورا العجمي
[308] Plumer, p. 209.
[309] Gaebelein: Psalms, p. 72.
[310] St. Hippolytus of Rome: Expository Treatise against the Jews,3.
[311] The istitutes, 3:3.
[312] Select Demonstration, 21:19.
[313] Four Discourses against the Arians, 3:57.
[314] Adv. Haer. 3:12:2.
[315] Weiser, p. 173.
[316] Comm. on Canticle, serm. 4.
[317] In 1 Tim. hom., 16
[318] In 2 Tim. hom., 3.
[319] See Weiser, p. 174
[320] Against the Pelagians, 3:2.
[321] Comm. on Luke, hom. 36.
[322] Plumer, p. 212.
[323] Weiser, p. 175.
[324] Ep. 118:4.
[325] Ep. 52:5.
[326] Hymns on the Nativity, 3.
[327] Duties of the Clergy 1:50: 255.
[328] للملف: آباء مدرسة إسكندرية الأولون، 1980، ص 77.[329] Stromata 6:7.
[330] Ibid.
[331] Ibid. 4:21
[332] Ep. 133:3.
[333] Stromata 7:9.
[334] Ibid 7:11.
[335] The Long Rules Q. 5.
[336] Cf. August. de Fid. et Symb. 14. does this passage of Athan.’s show that that the Anthropomorphites werestirring in Egypt already?
[337] Four Discourses against the Arians, 1:61.
[338] Plumer, p. 214.
[339] Weiser, p. 178.
إشترك في الترجمة الدكتور جورج كامل يوسف والدكتورة نورا العجمي
[340] The Collegville Bible Comm., p. 58.
[341] C. Stuhlmeueller: The Psalms, p. 123.
[342] Gaeblein: Psalms, p. 220.
[343] W. Plumer, p. 220.
[344] Weiser, p. 180.
[345] Epistle 41:2.
[346] Epistle 244:7.
[347] From the six century: Letter to Cyriacus, 55.
[348] In acts, hom 3.
[349] Comm. On Canticle, 15.
[350] Pascal Letters 7:6.
اشترك في الترجمة الدكتور جورج كامل يوسف والدكتورا نورا العجمي
[351] Plumer: Psalms; p. 247.
[352] C. Stuhlmeueller, p. 127.
[353] Weiser, p. 186-187.
[354] Plumer, p. 235.
[355] Four Discourses against the Arians, 3:13.
[356] Weiser, p. 188.
[357] Scripture Union: Bibls Study Books, The Psalms, p. 18.
[358] On the Acts, hom 2.
[359] Life of Moses, 163, 164.
[360] Plumer, p. 239.
[361] Ibid, 249.
[362] Ibid, 241.
[363] Hom. On Eph. Hom. 1.
[364] Stromata, 5:8.
[365] Weiser, p. 194.
[366] Weiser, p. 194.
[367] Paschal Letters, 19:7.
[368] Pascal Letters 3:5.
[369] On Consultation
[370] Plumer, p. 243.
[371] The Institutes, 12:17.
[372] The Beatitudes, serm. 2.
[373] Ep. 122:1.
[374] Praktikos, 73.
[375] Chapters on Prayer, 135.
[376] Hom. on John 9:1.
[377] An Answer to the Jews, 3.
[378] Adv. Haer. 4:41:2.
اشترك في الترجمة تاسوني بوتامينا والدكتورا نورا العجمي.
[379] Sabourin: The Psalms, Vol. 1, p. 185.
[380] C. Stuhlmeuller: Psalms, p. 137.
[381] Plumer, p. 254.
[382] Matthew, Henry, Ps. 19.
[383] Scripture Union: Bible Study Books, The Psalms, p. 18-19.
[384] Weiser, p. 197-198.
[385] Contra Gentes.
[386] Concerning the Statues, 9:4.
[387] C. Stuhlmueller, p. 89.
[388] In. Rom. hom. 3.
[389] Life of Moses, 168.
[390] On Divine Providence, disc. 4:3.
[391] العناية الإلهية للقديس يوحنا الذهبي الفم، ترجمة مدام عايدة حنا بسطا، ص 19.
[392] Concerning the Statues, 9:5.
[393] On Divinr Providence, disc. 4:4.
[394] De Sententia Dionysii, 11.
[395] Ep. 125: 11; 58:3.
[396] In 1 Tim. hom., 9.
[397] Ibid 5.
[398] Against Marcion, 22.
[399] In Eph., hom 8.
[400] Comm. on Canticle, ser. 11.
[401] Hom. on St. John. 26:1.
[402] Adv. Haer. 4:33:13.
[403] Sermon 101:3.
[404] On Renouncation.
[405] Stromata 7:12.
[406] Sermon 102:3, 6.
[407] Paed. 1:6.
[408] Exhortation to the heathen, 11.
[409] Sermon 75.2.
[410] Stromata: 5:12.
[411] De Principiis, pref. 1.
[412] Ibid, 1:2:6.
[413] Ep. 8:8.
[414] On Ascetical Discipline.
[415] Casssian: Conf. 23:17.
[416] Comm. On Luke, Hom. 76
اشترك في الترجمة الدكتور جرجس كامل يوسف والدكتورة نورا العجمي.
[417] Plumer, p. 267.
[418] Leopold Sabourin: The Psalms, vol. 2, p. 226.
[419] Leopold Sabourin, p. 226.
[420] Boyd’s Bible Handbook, p. 234-235.
[421] Fr. Lazarius: The Psalter, p.20.
[422] Vita S. Antoni, 39.
[423] De Corona, 8.
اشترك في الترجمة الدكتور جرجس كامل يوسف والكتورة نورا العجمي.
[424] W. Plumer: The Psalms, p. 275.
[425] L. Sabourin: The Psalms, vol. 2, p. 228.
[426] The Collegeville Bible Comm., p. 759.
[427] Scripture Union: Bible Study Books, The Psalms, p. 20.
[428] Nelson: A New Comm. In the Holy Scripture, 1969, p. 449.
[429] المؤلف: الحب الإلهي، ص 468. (دير السريان العامر: الآباء الحاذقون في العبادة، ج 1).[430] Paschal Ep. 4.
[431] المؤلف: آباء مدرسة الإسكندرية الأولون، 1980، ص 194.[432] Plumer, p. 281.
[433] In Ascensione PG 50.
[434] PG 73: 885 A
[435] PG 75: 1088.
[436] PG 70: 936-937.
[437] L. Sabourin, vol. 2, p. 228.
[438] Plumer, p. 279.
[439] L. Sabourin, vol. 2, p. 228.
[440] Sermon 142: 7.
[441] Plumer, p. 281.
[442] Collegeville Bible Commentary, p. 759.
[443] A New Catholic Commentary, 1969, p. 449.
[444] Weiser: The Psalms. 1962, p. 219.
[445] Leopold Sabourin: The Psalms, 1971, v. 2, p. 19.
[446] Stuhlmueller, p. 146.
[447] Gaebelein, p. 103.
[448] The Fourth Theological Oration, 5.
[449] Of the Christian Faith, 2: 7: 56.
[450] In Matt. Hom. 88.
[451] On the Flesh of Christ. 15.
[452] Against Anger.
[453] Catech, Lect. 12: 25.
[454] Comm.. on John, book 10: 20.
[455] De Incarnatione Verbi Dei, 35.
[456] Comm.. on Ysa., hom. 14: 53: 5.
[457] See our book “Christ in the Eucharist”, Alex., 1986, p. 8-14.
[458] De Sententia Dionysii, 10.
[459] A New Catholic Comm. P. 450.
[460] Stromata 5:1.
[461] See: Sabourin, The Psalms, Vol. 2, p. 99-100: Thecollegeville Bible Comm., p. 759.
[462] R.E. Prothero:The Psalms in Human Life, 1904, p. 12.
[463] Plumer, p. 308.
[464] Prothero, p. 12.
[465] De Myst. 5: 13.
[466] Comm. on Canticle, Serm. 2.
[467] Sel Ps. 144: 1.
[468] In Gen. Hom 3: 2.
[469] Contra Celsus 4: 74.
[470] Pinc. 2: 11: 5.
[471] Contra Celsus 8: 70.
[472] PG 96: 692 B.
[473] Of the Holy Spirit, 1: 16.
[474] Anti-Nicene Frs., Vol. 9, p. 360.
[475] Ibid.
[476] Cf. Plumer, p. 318.
[477] Adv. Haer. 5: 31: 2.
[478] Anti-Nicene Frs., Vol. 9, p. 312.
[479] Paed. 1: 7.
[480] De Myst. 5: 3.
[481] De Myst. 4: 7.
[482] Boyld’s Bible Handbook, p. 237.
[483] Ep. 113: 11.
اشترك في الترجمة الدكتور جرجس كامل يوسف والدكتورة نورا كامل العجمي.
[484] Plumer, p. 320-1.
[485] Ibid., 321.
[486] Ibid.
[487] Sabourin, Vol. 2, p. 328.
[488] Stromata, 6: 17.
[489] Adv. Haer. 4: 36-6.
[490] Ep. 82-10.
[491] Ep. 85-10.
[492] Plumer, p. 328.
[493] Stromata, 7-10.
[494] Plumer, p. 324.
[495] Four Discources against the Arians, 1: 41.
[496] On Luke 10: 22.
[497] De Incarnatione Verbi Dei, 25.
[498] Adv, Haer. 4: 33: 13.
[499] راجع: مقدمة سفر المزامير، ص .[500] Plumer, p. 329.
[501] Matthew Henry, Ps. 25.
[502] The Jerome Biblica; Comm., p. 580.
[503]Sermon 227 (Frs. Of the Churcg, vol. 38, p. 195).
[504] Cassian: Cobf. 3: 13.
[505] Stromata 6: 8.
[506] Ibid.
[507]Didache: The Prayer of the “Sanctification of the Bread”.
[508] Prayer of Breakking the Bread.
[509] Comm.. on Luke Hom. 77.
[510] Ibid., Hom. 119.
[511] How Much Honor Humility Possesses…
[512] On Humility.
[513] S. Mowinckel: Psalmenstudien, Oslo 1921, vol. 1, p. 207.
[514] L. Sabourin: The Psalms, v. 2, p. 26
[515] The Collegeville Bible Comm., p. 760.
[516] Collegeville Bible Comm., p. 760.
[517] Scripture Union: Bible Study Books, Psalms, p. 24.
[518] Weiser, p. 243.
[519] Plumer, p. 343.
[520] Weser, p. 243.
[521] Plumer, p. 343.
[522] Cassian: Conf. 6: 11.
[523] Plumer, p. 343.
[524] M. Henry’s Comm. In one volume, p. 603.
[525] Plumer, p. 344-5.
[526] Mystagogic 5: 2.
[527] Lazarius: Thr Holy Psalter, p. 27.
[528] Fr. Lazarius, p. 27.
[529] Cassian: Conf. 24: 6.
[530] In Exod. Hom. 9.
[531] Weiser, p. 244.
[532] Plumer, p. 346.
[533] Concerning the Statues, 4: 11.
[534] Plumer, p. 352.
[535] Weiser, p. 247.
[536] Comm.. on Luke, Hom. 105.
[537] Sermon 105: 6.
[538] In 2 Cor. Hom. 1.
[539] Plumer, p. 353.
[540] Plumer, p. 354.
[541] Weiser, p. 248.
[542]Ep. 130: 19.
[543] On Ps 52 (51)=16.
[544] Weiser, p. 251.
[545] Plumer, p. 357.
[546] The Beatitudes, serm. 2.
[547] Sermon 81: 1.
[548] Sermon 216: 5.
[549] Death as a Good, 12; 55.
اشترك في لترجمة الدكتور جرجس كامل يوسف والدكتورة نورا العجمي.
[550] Nelson: A New Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture, 1969, p. 451.
[551] Leon Sabourin, vol. 2, p. 28.
[552] Plumer, p. 364.
[553] In John Hom. 57: 3.
[554] يوحنا السُلمي: السلم إلى الله – تعريب رهبنة دير مارجرجس الحرف، مقال 24: 15، 16، 19، 27.[555] The Ascetic Homilies, 3.
[556] Scripture Union: Bible Study Books, The Psalms, p. 26.
[557] The ascetical Homilies, 8.
[558] Jerome Biblical Commentary, p. 580.
[559] Tract “Sopherim”.
[560] القمص بيشوى كامل: تأملات في المزامير لآباء الكنيسة القديسين، مز 29. [561] تفسير المزامير لأنثيموس أسقف أورشليم، مز 28. [562] المرجع السابق.[563] Hom. 89 for Epiphany.
[564] تفسير المزامير لأنثيموس أسقف أورشليم، مز 28[565] Discourse on the Holy Theophany, 7.
[566] Hom. 89 for Epiphany.
[567] Ad. Eunom. 5.
[568] In Lucam 22:8.
[569] Hom. 89 for Epiphany.
[570] الدرر الثمين في ايضاح الدين، 1952، ص 121. [571] المؤلف: اللّه مقدسي، ص 52.[572] The patriarchs, 11:56.
[573] On Ps. 28, no. 6.
[574] Hom. 89 for Epiphany.
[575] Stuhlmueller, p. 175.
[576] Ibid.
[577] Onesimus of Jerusalem: Commentary on Psalms.
[578] W. S. Plumer: psalms, p. 376.
[579] Ibid.
[580] On Prayer, 24: 5.
[581] Weiser, p. 269-270.
[582] Plumer. P. 379.
[583] Erling C. Olsen: Meditation in the Book of Psalms,. N. J., 1967, p. 218.
[584] In Acts hom. 16.
[585] Fr. Lazarus: The Holy Psalter, 1966, p. 31.
[586] Comm. On an Easter Hymn.
[587] Paschal letters, 6: 4.
[588] Pfeiffer and Harrison: The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, 1966, ps. 30.
[589] Weiser, p. 272.
[590] In Rom. Hom. 19.
[591] Concerning Repentance, 1: 5 (22).
[592] Letter 20: 21.
[593] Claude Peifer: The Bible Today, April 1974.
[594] Weiser: The Psalms, p. 275.
[595] Plumer: The Psalms, p. 385.
[596] Wycliffe Bible Commentary, Ps. 31.
[597] Plumer, p. 385.
[598] The Ascetic Homilies, 5.
[599] Two centuries on Spiritual Law, 2.
[600] Weiser, p. 276.
[601] The Ascetic Homilies, 5.
[602] Two centuries on Spiritual Law, 4.
[603] Weiser, p. 276.
[604] The Ascetic Homilies, 62.
[605] The Ascetic Homilies, 57.
[606] The Ascetic Homilies, 15.
[607] Institutes, 8: 1.
[608] St. John Chrysostom: Acts of the Apostles, hom 50.
[609] Ibid, 15.
[610] Of the Christian Faith, 5: 108, 109.
[611] The Ascetic Homilies, 5.
[612] 153- texts on Prayer (attributed to St. Nilus of Sinai), 113.
[613] The ascetic Homilies, 48.
[614] The Ascetic Homilies, 51.
[615] The Ascetic Homilies, 1:1, 10.
[616] Plumer, p. 398.
[617] Baptismal Instructions, 1: 25; 2: 26 (ACW).
[618] See Ancient Christian Writers, No. 31. p. 228.
[619] Sermon 38: 1.
[620] Dial. With Trypho, 141.
[621] First Epistle, 50.
[622] Scorpiace, 6.
[623] Adv. Haer. 5: 17: 2.
[624] Comm.. on Luke, Hom. 120.
[625] Hom. On St. John 7: 1.
[626] Cassian: Conf. 2: 10.
[627] In Hebr. Hom. 10: 3.
[628] The auther: The Pastoral Love (in Arabic), p. 270-1.
[629] Comm.. on John, hom 17.
[630] That demons do not govern the world, 2: 5.
[631] Jacob and the Happy Life, 1: 6: 21.
[632] Comm.. on Luke, Hom. 45.
[633] Sermon 120: 3.
[634] Cf. Sthlumeller: The Psalms, p. 187.
[635] Plumer, p. 407.
[636] Plumer, p. 412.
[637] Paed. 2:2.
[638] On Ps. 32. no. 3.
[639] The Long Rules.
[640] On the Spirit, 16.
[641] Four Discourses against the Arians, 2. 31.
[642] Contra Gentes, 46.
[643] Of the Holy Spirit, 3:83.
[644] Of the Holy Spirit, 1:52.
[645] Adv. Haer. 1:22: 1.
[646] Adv. Haer. 3: 8: 3.
[647] Ep. 8:11.
[648] Fr. Lazarus, p. 36.
Fr. Malaty: God, My Sanctifier, p. 48 (in Arabic).
[649] Against Heresies, 2: 2: 5.
[650] Weiser, p. 292.
[651] Fr. Malaty: 1 Sameul, 1988, p.150 (in Arabic).
[652] Ibid, p. 188.
[653] Stuhlmeuller, p. 193.
[654] Paschal Letters, 5: 3.
[655] Sermon 80: 3.
[656] Ibid 166: 4.
[657] Theological Oration 27: 32: 8
[658] Sermon 137: 2.
[659] Ep. 22: 25.
[660] Plumer, p. 425.
[661] Haexaemeron 5: 6.
[662] Comm. in Cant. 1.
[663] Ibid 2.
[664] In Ez., hom. 1: 7.
[665] Fr. Malaty: Church, House of God, p. 332.
[666] Comm. on Cant., sem. 8.
[667] The beatitude, serm. 4.
[668] Sermon 167: 1.
[669] Ep. 133: 6.
[670] Comm. on Cant., serm. 8.
[671] On the Fear of God.
[672] Cassian. Conf. 3: 9.
[673] In John. hom 58: 5.
[674] In Hebr. hom 8: 10.
[675] Stromata 7: 13.
[676] In Hebr. 1: 4.
[677] Duties of the Clergy 1: 21: 91.
[678] On the Fear of God
[679] Stromata 7: 13.
[680] Treat. 1: 24.
[681] Ep. 150: 2.
[682] Six Treatis on the Behaviour of Excellence.
[683] Paed. 3: 12.
[684] Plumer, p. 4.
[685] Duties of the Clergy 2: 17: 90.
[686] Ad Rom. 5.
[687] Ad Ephes 5: 2; Tral. 7: 2; Philad. 4.
[688] Concerning the Statues 5: 2.
[689] Paschal Epistles 7: 2.
اشترك في الترجمة الدكتور جرجس كامل جرجس كامل يوسف والدكتور نورا العجمي.
[690] القس أغسطينوس البراموسي: مار اسحق السرياني، 1990، ص 70.[691] In Paralyt. PG 51: 51.
[692] In Act. PG 60: 124.
[693] Comm. on Luke, hom. 135.
[694] The Lord’s Prayer, sermon 1.
[695] Paschal Letters 6: 7.
[696] Plumer, p. 432.
[697] Paschal Letters 2. 7.
اشترك في الترجمة الدكتور جرجس كامل يوسف والدكتورة نورا العجمي.
[698] Plumer, p. 439.
[699] Ep. Against Jovinianus 1: 13.
[700] Sermon 25: 1.
[701] Stromata 5: 14.
[702] Hom. 88 on the Nativity of the Lord.
[703] Sermon 233: 1,2.
[704] On Ps 36 (35).
[705] Sermon 255: 5.
[706] Sermon 170: 3.
[707] Comm. on Canticle, sermon 10.
[708] Comm. on Luke, hom. 72.
[709] On the Spirit 18 (47).
[710] Book of Perfection, 50.
[711] Of the Holy Spirit, 1: 162, 163.
[712] Sermon 225: 4.
[713] Sermon 216: 10.
[714] In 1 Cor., hom. 15.
[715] Plumer, p. 448.
[716] In John, hom. 22: 3.
[717] Duties of the Clergy 1: 31 (164).
[718] Plumer, p. 450.
[719] Joseph 10: 52.
[720] Isaac or the Soul 4: 14.
[721] In Matt., hom. 15: 5.
[722] Paschal Letters 11: 4.
[723] On Vigilance and Sobriety.
[724] In 1 Cor. hom 39.
[725] Plumer, p. 453.
[726] Treatise 4: 21.
[727] Prayer of Reconciliation.
[728] Duties of the Clergy 1: 36: 185.
[729] Treatise 8: 19 on Almsgiving.
[730] I bid 8: 18.
[731] On the Fear of Punishment.
[732] Plumer, p. 456-7.
[733] Ep. 54: 3 (Oxford 49(.
[734] Flight from the world 5: 25.
[735] Select Demonstration 5: 2.
[736] Weiser: The Psalms, p. 325.
[737] The Collegville Bible Comm., p. 762.
[738] Leopold Sabourin: The Psalms, vol 2, p. 40.
[739] In Hebr. Hom. 31: 6.
[740] The Gospel of St. Matthew, hom. 38: 3.
[741] Plumer, p. 463.
[742] Hom. On St. John 73: 3.
[743] Baptismal Instructuon 6: 22 (ACW).
[744] IN John hom. 42: 2, 4.
[745] In 1 Tim. Hom., 2.
[746] Cassian: Conference 3: 8.
[747] Hom. On Songs 1: 2.
[748] Ibid 2: 2.
[749] Selected Sermons (Frs. Of the Church), 3.
[750] In John, hom. 41: 1.
[751] Sermon 72: 2.
[752] Sermon 189: 3 (see Sermos 197: 3).
[753] Plumer, p. 465.
[754] Duties of the Clergy, 1: 10 (34).
[755] Vita S. Antoni, 39.
[756] Institutes, 4: 41.
[757] Cassian: Conf. 20: 7.
[758] On Ps. 37 (38); hom. 2: 6.
[759] Plumer, p. 466, 469.
[760] Plumer, p. 470.
[761] Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible; art 3038.
[762] Duties of the Clergy 3: 1: 1.
[763] Sermon 238: 2.
[764] Duties of the Clergy, 1. 6 (21); 1: 5 (18).
[765] Plumer, p. 471, 474.
[766] Duties of the Clergy 1: 48: 247.
[767] Ep. 144: 8.
[768] In 2 Cor. Hom. 29.
[769] Hom. On Eph. Hom. 12.
[770] In John Hom. 65: 3.
[771] In Hebr. 24: 4; 24: 7.
[772] The Gospel of St. Matt., hom 64: 5.
[773] Death as a Good, 2: 5.
[774] In 2 Tim., hom. 9.
[775] Comm.. on Canticle, sermon 11.
[776] Flight from the world 1: 4.
[777] قداسة البابا شنودة: تأملات في الصلاة الربانية (الكرازة 22) فبراير 1991، ص 14، 15.[778] Sermon 251: 2.
[779] Sermon 253.
[780] Adv. Haer. 4: 17: 1.
[781] Comm.. on Luke, hom. 96.
[782] Ibid 64.
[783] On Ps 53 (54)± 12.
[784] St. Cassian: Conf. 10: 11.
[785] Plumer, p. 486.
[786] المؤلف: الحب الأخوي، 1964، ص 177، 178. [787] القمص بيشوي كامل: تأملات في المزامير، 1982، ص 355. [788] الحب الأخوي، ص 150. [789] المرجع السابق، ص 150-153.[790] Treatise 8: 5.
[791] الحب الأخوي، ص 164. [792] المرجع السابق، ص 168. [793] المرجع السابق، ص 160.[794] Sermon 59: 5.
[795] راجع ص . [796] راجع ص .[797] John L. Mckenzie: Dictionary of the Bible, 1972, p. 488.
[798] On Ps. 42
[799] راجع ص .[800] Kidner, p. 165.
[801] Isaac or the, Soul, 1: 1.
[802] In Ps. Hom. 92.
[803] Flight from the World 9: 52.
[804] Sermon 256: 1.
[805] Sermon 103: 2.
[806] Hom. 19.
[807] Hom. 92
[808] The Long Rules.
[809] The prayer of Job and David 1: 3.
[810] In Hebr. Hom 26: 7.
[811] Comm.. on Song of Songs, prologue 4.
[812] In Ps. Hom. 92.
[813] راجع: تفسير المزامير لأنثيموس أسقف أورشليم، الناشر: الراهب القس صموائيل السرياني، 1988، ص 172. [814] المرجع السابق.[815] Plumer: The Psalms, p. 503.
[816] M. Henery: Ps. 43.
[817] Against Celsus 8: 17.
[818] Sermon on the Mount 10: 72.
[819] Stromata 7.
[820] Ephes. 5: 2; Tral. 7: 2; Philad. 4.
[821] City of God 10: 6: 23 Serm. 829, 2: 2 to the Newly-baptized.
[822] In 1 Cor. Hom., 2: 2.
[823] Eusebius 3; 39: 11-3.
[824] أنثيموس أسقف أورشليم؛ المزامير، مز 43. [825] راجع للمؤلف: إشعياء: 1990، ص 134-135. [826] للاستفاضة راجع كتابنا: الله ، اسكندرية 1991.[827] Sermon 88: 4.
[828] راجع تفسيرنا: عوبديا.[829] Paschal Letters 11: 12.
[830] His dialogue with Tarajan.
[831] Rom 5.
[832] Rom 6.
[833] In John. Hom 82: 1.
[834] Comm.. on an Easter Hymn.
[835] On the Incomprehensible Nature of God, hom. 8: 5.
[836] Ep. 108: 3.
[837] للمؤلف: إنجيل متى، ص 204. [838] المرجع السابق، ص 205.[839] See Plumer: The Psalms, p. 513.
[840] راجع كتابنا: الروح الناري، 1992، الفصل 8.[841] Four Discourses against the Arians, 4: 26.
[842] Ibid 2: 24.
[843] أنظر ص .[844] The Faith 4: 10: 132.
[845] Against Praxeas 7: 1.
[846] Ibid, 7.
[847] Ibid, 11.
[848] Defence of the Nicene Definition, 5: 21; See: Four Disc. Against Arians, 2: 21 (57); On the Opinino of Dionysius, 23.
[849] Baptismal Instructions 3: 21 (A C W).
[850] In De Stat. 4. PG 49: 46 D 67A.
[851] IN Matt. Hom. 79 (PG. 58: 715 A-B).
[852] FR. Lazarus: The Psalms, p. 53.
[853] Sermon 254: 5.
[854] Ibid 195: 2.
[855] Exp. In Ps. 44.
[856] In Matt. 1: 8.
[857] Sermon 85: 5.
[858] نقلاً عن الأب أنثيموس أسقف أورشليم: تفسير المزامير مز 44.[859] Comm.. on Songs, 1: 3.
[860] On Ps. 44; no, 2.
[861] Sermon 254: 5.
[862] The Patriarchs 11: 55.
[863] راجع الأب أنثيموس أسقف أورشليم.[864] An answer to the Jwes, 9.
[865] Four Discourses against the Arians 2: 15 (13).
[866] Of the Holy Spirit, 1: 80.
[867] Dia;. With Tepho, 86.
[868] Orthodox Faith, 4: 9.
[869] Orthodox Faith, 4: 9. (See also St. Athanasius, Against Apollinaris 2: 1-2. PG 26: 1133 B.).
[870] The Divine Institutes, 4: 13.
[871] Four Discourses against the Arians, 1: 12(46).
[872] Of the Holy Spirit, 1: 101.
[873] John :. McKenzie: Dict. Of the Bible, 1972, p. 21.
[874] Exp. In ps. 44 Pg. 55: 199 D.
[875] Comm.. on Songs 2: 10.
[876] Joseph, 9: 46.
[877] Four Discourses against the Arians, 2: 12 (47).
[878] Baptismal Instructions 11: 7 (See ACW, p. 161).
[879] Exp. In Ps. 44.
[880] Epistle 22; 1.
[881] In Hebr. Hom. 14: 8.
[882] Sermon 81: 3.
[883] Cassian: Conf. 3: 6.
[884] Hom. 76 on Psalms.
[885] The Gospel of St. Matthew, hom. 52: 1.
[886] Ibid 3: 5.
[887] للمؤلف: الكنيسة تحبك، للقديس سوحنا الذهبي الفم.[888] The Gospel of St. Matthew, hom. 30. 6.
[889] Eutropius, and Vanity of Riches, 2: 9.
[890] On the Incomprehensible Nature of God, hom. 12: 58.
[891] للمؤلف: حزقيال، 1981، ص 176-180. [892] للمؤلف: إشعياء، 1990، ص 228.[893] PL 25: 240.
[894] Sermon 8 on Song of Songs.
[895] Epistle 63: 63.
[896] In Exod. Hom. 9: 4.
[897] Cf. Caesarius Arles: Sermon 115: 3.
[898] Comm.. on Luke, hom. 24.
[899] Sch., p. 243.
[900] Defend of the Nicene Definition, 5: 20.
[901] Plumer: The Psalms, p. 522.
[902] أنظر 99، 112، 130، 176، 177. [903] أنظر مقدمة الباب الثاني: الكنيسة والخلاص.[904] In Lev. Hm. 17.
[905] Of the Holy Spirit 1: 16.
[906] Ibid 1: 178.
[907] Epistle 113: 77.
[908] Comm.. on Song of Songs 3: 13.
[909] Epistle 15.
[910] In Joan 5: 2.
[911] Aeneid: Bood 8, Line 560; Plumer: The Psalms, p. 325.
[912] Kinder., p. 177.
[913] Sch., p. 246.
[914] Weiser: The Psalms, p. 374-5.
[915] W. Plumer: Psalms, p. 528.
[916] In Luke 7: 18-35.
[917]Comm.. on Luke, hom. 129.
[918] Sermon 80: 2.
[919]Lazarus: The Psalter, p. 55.
[920] Wycliffe Bible Commentary, Ps. 48.
[921] Stuhmueller: The Psalms, p. 246.
[922] تفسير المزامير لأنثيموس أسقف أورشليم، مزمور 47.[923] W. Plumer: The Psalms, p. 534.
[924] The Prayer of Job and David, 5: 15.
[925] Ibid.
[926] Lazarus: The Psalter, p. 56.
[927] Stromata 7: 13.
[928] An Exhortation to Theodore after his fall, 2:3.
[929] In John. Hom. 21: 3.
[930] On Ps. 48, no. 4.
[931] In John. Hom. 12: 3.
[932] Ibid.
[933] In Matt. Hom. 5: 7.
[934] On Lazarus and the Rich Man, Sermon 3.
[935] Ibid 4.
[936] Orthodox Faith, 4: 5.
[937] Sermon 198: 4.
[938] Sermon 100-6.
[939] Adv. Haer. 15: 8: 3.
[940] Ibid 4: 4: 3.
[941] Orthodox Faith 2: 30.
[942] Hexaemeron 9: 2.
[943] Ascetic Homilies, 47.
[944] Paedagogus 1: 13.
[945] On the Holy Lenten Fast, see also Origen PG 13: 130 D; St. Gregory of Nyssa PG 44: 813, 820-821.
[946] In Luc., Sermon 130.
[947] Ascetic Hom. 64.
[948] In 1 Tim; hom. 2.
[949] Loepold Sabourin: The Psalms, vol. 2, p. 313.
[950] W. Plumer: The Psalms, p. 552.
[951] On Ps. 49. See also Sermon 263: 1.
[952] Epistle 46: 5.
[953] Treatise 9. 23.
[954] Sermon 133.
[955] عن أنثيموس أسقف أورشليم.[956] Comm.. on Luke, hom. 74.
[957] Dial. With Trypho, 22.
[958] On the Holy Spirit, 26 (62).
[959] راجع أنثيموس أسقف أورشليم.[960] Paschal Letters, 7. 14.
[961] Cf. Councils of Aminum and Seleucia, 39.
[962] Cf. Life of Antony, 26.
[963] Epistle 62. 18.
[964] De Spectaculis, 15.
[965] Epistle 52 to Nepotian 14.
[966] Sermon 133.