مراجع تفسير صموئيل الاول للقمص تادرس يعقوب
[1] Nelson: A New Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture, 1969, p. 308.
[2] The New Westminster Dictionary of the Bible, 1969, p. 828. J.L. Mckenzie: Dictionary of the Bible, 1972, p. 767.
[3] Oesterley and Robinson: An Introduction to the Books of the Old Testament, SPCK 1961, P. 85.
[4] The Talmud (Baba Bathra 15 a).
[5] J. Hastings: Dictionary of the Bible, N.Y. 1963, p. 884.
[6] قاموس الكتاب المقدس، 1971، ص 544 .
[7] Layman: Interpreter’s One Volume Commentary on the Bible, 1980, p. 1085.
[8] New Westminister Dict. Of the Bible, p. 831.
[9] Welhausen, Cornill, Budde, Kittel and Sellin.
[10] Interpreter’s One Volume Commentary, p 1082.
[11] Eissfeldt.
[12] Introduction to the Old Testament, p. 87-88.
[13] Cf. J. H. Raven: Old Testament Introduction, 1910, p. 166.
Driver: Notes on the Test of Samuel, Oxford 1890, p. 173.
[14] د. فرنسيس داندس: تفسير الكتاب المقدس، جـ 2، ص 154.
[15] Raven, p. 167.
[16] The Westminster Dict. Of the Bible, p. 792, 791.
[17] Nelson: New Catholic Commentary…, p. 308.
[18] Stromata 6: 12, 7: 7.
[19] Treatise 4: 5.
[20] In Matt. Hom 19.
[21] In Eph. Hom 24.
[22] In Matt hom 6.
[23] In Eph. Ho 24.
[24] On Prayer 13: 3.
[25] Scripture Union: Bible Study Books, books 2, p. 48.
[26] In Eph. Hom 21, 24.
[27] J. H. Raven: O. T. Introd., 1910, p/ 168.
[28] Nelson: New Catholic Commentary, p. 309.
[29] Ibid.
[30] St. Chrysostom: In Matt. Hom 61.
[31] Treatise 12: 19.
[32] On Ps. Hom 20.
[33] On Ps. 21.
[34] St. Cassian: Conf. 3:15.
[35] Against Eunomius 3: 6.
[36] On John. Hom. 50:1.
[37] Concerning Repentance 1: 40.
[38] Treatise 10-15.
[39] In Rom. Hom. 8.
[40] In 1 Tim. Hom. 4.
[41] In 2 Tim. Hom. 2.
[42] Frag. From Comm. On Daniel 2: 14.
[43] Nelson: A New Catholic Commentary, p. 309.
[44] Stromata 2: 10; 7: 10.
[45] Ibid 6: 8.
[46] Ladder, Step 4.
[47] الحب الرعوي، 1965، ص 68 .
[48] المرجع السابق، ص 70 .
[49] Cassian: Conf. 2: 14.
[50] Apo. Poemen 54. PG 65: 333-6.
[51] On the need for Consultation.
[52] الحب الرعوي، ص 68 .
[53] الحب الرعوي، ص 71 .
[54] الحب الرعوي، ص 15 .
[55] الحب الرعوي، ص 17 .
[56] McKenzie: Dict. Of the Bible, p. 38.
[57] On Ps. 78 (32).
[58] Ibid 78 (33).
[59] On Ps. 66.
[60] Nelson: A New Catholic Comm., p. 310.
[61] Serm. On the N. T. Lessons 3: 7.
[62] Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, article 1712.
[63] McKenzie: Dict. Of the Bible, p. 168.
[64] Strong’s Exh. Concordance of the Bible, art. 795.
[65] Ibid, art. 1660.
[66] McKenzie. P. 224.
[67] In Matt. Hom. 6.
[68] On Prayer 25:3.
[69] Dial. With Trypho.
[70] Nelson: A New Catholic Comm. P. 310.
[71] Strong’s Exh. Concordance…, art. 7157.
[72] Nelson: A New Catholic Comm. P. 310.
[73] Strong’s Exh. Concordance…, art. 41.
[74] In Ep. Rom. Hom. 19.
[75] الحب والعطاء، 1970، ص 27.
[76] Strong’s Exh. Concordance…, art. 499.
[77] McKenzie: Dict. Of the Bible, p. 72.
[78] Strong’s Exh. Concordance…, art. 4709.
[79] On Priesthood 6: 4.
[80] الحب الرعوي، 1965، ص 30.
[81] المرجع السابق، ص 53 .
[82] On Ps. 18 (1).
[83] Ep. 159: 1.
[84] Strom. 7: 13.
[85] Strong’s Exh. Concordance, artic. 8031.
[86] Ibid, 8171.
[87] Nelson: A New Catholic Comm. P. 311.
[88] A. N. Frs, vol 7, p. 531.
[89] De Principiis 1: 1: 3; Comm. Rom 1: 5; 9: 24; Comm. John 32: 7.
[90] Paed, 1: 6.
[91] De Prin. 2: 6.
[92] The Ascetical Homilies, 64.
[93] Nelson: A New Catholic Comm., p 312.
[94] Cf. Our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount, 1: 13 (37).
[95] Strong’s Exh. Concordance, art. 1568.
[96] قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 264.
[97] Strong’s Exh. Concordance, art. 3002.
[98] الحب الرعوي، ص 218-221.
[99] In 2 Cor. Hom 24.
[100] الحب الرعوي، ص 170؛ In Eph. PG 62: 150.
[101] On Priesthood 6: 4.
[102] للمؤلف – القديس يوحنا الذهبي الفم، 1981، ص 3-182.
[103] Strong’s Exh. Concordance, art. 4363.
[104] Ascetical hom. 51, 62.
[105] Const. of the Holy Apostles 2: 4: 27.
[106] Ibid 8: 5.
[107] Commentary on an Easter Hymn of St. Greg. Nazian.
[108] Treat. 9: 13.
[109] On self-accusation.
[110] City of God 17: 6.
[111] Ibid 17: 7.
[112] On Ps. 137.
[113] Ascetic Hom. 64
[114] Unger’s Bible., 1966, p. 1074.
[115] Ibid 627.
[116] Ibid 459.
[117] Ibid 1022.
[118] الحب الرعوي، ص 607.
[119] المرجع السابق.
[120] المرجع السابق.
[121] In Acts hom. 3, 44.
[122] Ad Haer. 4: 17:1.
[123] St. Cassian: Conf. 2:2, 3.
[124] Answer to Eunomius’ second book. N.P. Frs, series 2, vol 5, p 293.
[125] In Matt. Hom 5.
[126] Paed. 3: 2.
[127] Cf. St. Jerome: Om Ps. Hom. 3.
[128] Nelson: A New Catholic Comm., p 314.
[129] On Ps. 78 (9).
[130] On John, book 10: 5.
[131] Ad Serapion 1: 22, 23.
[132] On the Spirit, ch 26 (61)
[133] In Matt. Book 2.
[134] Unger’s Bible Dict., p 315
[135] Caesarius of Arles: Serm. 121: 1, 2.
[136] Ibid 121: 3-8.
[137] Duties of the Clergy 1: 35: 177.
[138] Ibid 2: 78: 32, 33.
[139] On Ps. 125.
[140] للمؤلف: الحب الأخوي، 1964، ص 465.
[141] المرجع السابق، ص 467.
[142] المرجع السابق، ص 467.
[143] المرجع السابق، ص 468.
[144] Const. of the Holy Apostles 7: 1.
[145] الحب الأخوي، ص 397-398.
[146] الحب الأخوي، ص 399.
[147] الحب الأخوي، ص 400.
[148] Serm. On N. T. Lessons 27: 3; In 1 Tim. Rom.
[149] In 1 John hom 7.
[150] On Ps. 59 (1).
[151] القمص بيشوي كامل: تأملات في المزامير، مز 7.
[152] On Ps. 7.
[153] On Ps. 7.
[154] In 1 Cor. Hom 33.
[155] الحب الأخوي، 1964، ص 315.
[156] الحب الأخوي، ص 317.
[157] الحب الأخوي، ص 320.
[158] عظة 22 على إنجيل لوقا.
[159] راجع تفسيرنا إنجيل متى، ص 268 .
[160] On Ps. 52.
[161] On Ps 56.
[162] On Ps 34.
[163] Westminster Dict. Of the Bible, p 18.
[164] On Ps. 57.
[165] On Ps. Hom. 52.
[166] In Acts. PG 60: 302.
[167] In ps. PG 55: 317.
[168] الحب الرعوي، ص 678.
[169] On Renunciation.
[170] Westminster Dict. Of the Bible, p. 534.
[171] Strong/s Exh. Concordance of the Bible, article 7084.
[172] On Priesthood 6: 4.
[173] Westminster Dict. Of the Bible, p. 1025.
[174] On Ps. 54.
[175] كتاب السنن القويم في تفسير أسفار العهد القديم، سفر صموئيل الأول، ص 110.
[176] قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 652.
[177] كتاب السنن القويم في تفسير أسفار العهد القديم، سفر صموئيل الأول، ص 113.
[178] City of God 17: 6.
[179] On Humility.
[180] In Matt. Hom 3.
[181] Duties of the Clergy 3: 9 (60).
[182] De Principiis 2: 7: 3.
[183] De Principiis 2: 7: 4.
[184] Sel Ps. 43: 3.
[185] Stromata 5:1.
[186] On Refusal to Judge our Neighbor.
[187] Cassian: Conf. 17: 25.
[188] Maxims on the Spiritual Life, 1, 12, 19.
[189] Duties of the Clergy 1: 21: 94.
[190] كتاب السنن القويم في تفسير أسفار العهد القديم، ، ص 122.
[191] Westminster Dict. Of the Bible, p. 6.
[192] PG 45: 1017 D.
[193] In Acts hom 17.
[194] Hymns on the Nativity 1.
[195] On Ps. Hom 3.
[196] On Ps. 56.
[197] From Glory to Glory, N. Y. 1977. ch. 1: 10.
[198] New Westminster Dict. Of the Bible, p. 1024.
[199] Matthew Henery: Comm. On the Whole Bible, 1963, p. 321.
[200] New Westminster Dict., p. 456.
[201] Ibid, p. 534.
[202] كتاب السنن القويم في تفسير أسفار العهد القديم، ص 128.
قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 262.
[203] Westminster Dict. Of the Bible, p. 877.
[204] Ibid, art. Gilboa,.
[205] In Matt. Hom. 86.
[206] Ibid 62.
[207] Frag. From Comm. A N Frs. Vol. 5, p. 169.
[208] A Treatise on the Soul, 57.
[209] Strong’s Exh. Concordance, art 293. قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 36
[210] Ibis art. 26. قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 201
[211] Westminster Dict. Of the Bible, p 113. قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 392
[212] Ibid 791. قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 1053
[213] Ibid 448. قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 619
[214] Ibid p. 65. قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 470
[215] Ibid, p. 887. قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 390
[216] Ibid, p 277.
[217] Ibid , p 789.
[218] Ibid , p 40.
[219] Ibid 68.
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