مراجع تفسير سفر أستير للقمص تادرس يعقوب

J.Raven: Introd. To O.T. P 312.

[2] Edward J. Young: An Introd. To the O.T. P 349.

[3] History 9: 108-113.

[4] Ibid 3: 97, 98, 7: 9.

[5] In Matt. Hom. 19: 4.

[6] Ibid 19: 3.

[7] To His wife 2: 9.

[8] Ep. 125: 4.

[9] Herod. His. 9: 108-113.

[10] On Ps. 85.

[11] On Ps. 11.

[12] De Myst. 7.

[13] للمؤلف: القديس يوحنا الذهبي الفم، 1980، ص 327.

[14] In Paralyt. PG 51: 51.

[15] للمؤلف: الحب الإلهي: ص 16، 16.

[16] Herodotus 7: 136.

[17] Demonstration 21, On Persection 20.

[18] Ep. 22: 21.

[19] D.J. Wiseman: Illustrations From Biblical Archaeology, P 76.

[20] Dem. 21. On Persecution 20.

[21] Ep. 63: 26.

[22] Ep. 1: 55.

[23] Constitution of the Holv Apostles 5: 20

[24] Duties of the Clergy 3: 2.

[25] Conc. Statues 3: 6.

[26] On Ps. 52.

[27] Ep. 130: 4.

[28] راجع تفسير يشوع 3: 3، خروج 5: 3.

[29] Against 2 letters of the Pelagians, ch 38 (20).

[30] Herodotus 1: 99; 3: 118.

[31] راجع تفسير الخروج.

[32] In Acts hom 38.

[33] A.J. Wensinck: Mystical Treatises St. Isaac Syrian, P 219.

[34] راجع تفسير حزقيال أصحاح 28.

[35] Dem. 21, On Persecution 20.

[36] القداس الإلهي: بخور السيد.

[37] In: Cor. Hom 25. PG 61: 208.

[38] De Sacer. 3: 10. PG 48: 686.

[39] In Acts hom 20: 4 PG 60: 162.

[40] In Matt. Hom 54: 7.

[41] On Ps, hom 21.

[42] Antiq. 11: 6, 3.

[43] New Westminister Dict. Of the Bible, P 782.

[44] PG 46: 416 C.

[45] Ep. 7: 6.

[46] Sheph. Sim 9: 6: 3.

[47] De Pudic 9: 9.

[48] In 2 Cor. Hom 3: 7.

[49] In Ioan, Tr 16.

[50] Cat. Hom 13: 17.

[51] PG 33: 333 A, 428 A.

[52] In Acts hom3.

[53] Ep. 53: 8.

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